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24 April 2009

Chapter 2. Setting Up Cygwin

Chapter 2. Setting Up Cygwin Table of Contents Internet Setup Download Source Selecting an Install Directory Local Package Directory Connection Method Choosing Mirrors Choosing Packages Download and Installation Progress Icons Post-Install Scripts Troubleshooting Environment Variables Changing Cygwin's Maximum Memory NT security and usage of ntsec NT security Process privileges File permissions NT SIDs in Cygwin The mapping leak The ACL API New setuid concept Switching User Context Special values of user and group ids Customizing bash


Cygwin Documentation * Cygwin User's Guide * Cygwin API Reference * Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file for Cygwin. Some work remains to be done in documenting the Cygwin API. In addition to the Cygwin API Reference and information in the FAQ, you may want to check source code file winsup/cygwin.din which lists all of the Cygwin DLL exports. We have some preliminary docs on how to profile the Cygwin DLL. Information on building and using DLLs is here. Also note that there is quite a lot of useful information in the project mailing list archives.

20 April 2009

oopss - Open Pinball!

Back To Projects Coney Island Screenshots Open Pinball! an open pinball simulator (Previously named oops) Original Author and coordinator: Johan S (email: oopsmail at Goal The goal of this project is to create a fully portable pinball simulator. DEPENDENCIES You must have allegro 4.0 installed. oopss: Files

Please choose the file that best matches your architecture or operating system from the list of files. Note that these downloads are from this projects page and the downloads themselves may not be hosted with Super Happy Fun Pinball: Files

You have selected Win32 Binaries Please choose the file that best matches your architecture or operating system from the list of releases and files contained in this package. Super Happy Fun Pinball: Files

CS-Pinball is a pinball game written for the Crystal Space 3d engine. It is written in C , targetting both Windows and Linux platforms. It is intended to be an easy to use platform for building new pinball tables and using features of a 3d engine over Super Happy Fun Pinball

CS-Pinball is a pinball game written for the Crystal Space 3d engine. It is written in C , targetting both Windows and Linux platforms. It is intended to be an easy to use platform for building new pinball tables and using features of a 3d engine over Software Search

CS-Pinball is a pinball game written for the Crystal Space 3d engine. It is written in C , targetting both Windows and Linux platforms. It is intended to be an easy to use platform for building new pinball tables and using features of a 3d engine over Big Solitaires 3D

Collection of 40 Solitaire Games with 3D - OpenGL render. Ports to Win32 (win32 API and wxWidgets) and to Linux (GTK , wxWidgets).

16 April 2009

The FreeImage Project

Distributions Note: The FreeImage distributions are compressed with Winzip. If you don't own WinZip, you can grab your own copy from Linux users can use unzip to uncompress this distribution. FreeImage Plugins JBIG reading / writing Read and write IBM JBIG files using FreeImage. Note: if you intend to use this plugin commercially you need to purchase a license for it. This is required because JBIG is a patented format. More information is available on and See also PluginJBIG Source 3.2.0 Source distribution Source distribution includes source for FreeImage, C , C#, Delphi and VB6 wrappers, examples and the internally used libraries LibTIFF, LibJPEG, LibPNG, LibMNG, ZLib, OpenEXR and OpenJPEG. Download FreeImage 3.12.0 FreeImage DLL Binary distribution includes DLL, linkage LIB, header file, C , C#, Delphi and VB6 wrappers, and examples. Download FreeImage 3.12.0 [WIN32] FreeImage Documentation The documentation covers release 3.12.0 of the library. Download FreeImage3120.pdf News: FreeImage 3.12.0 released

Posted By: drolon Date: 2009-04-15 15:13 Summary: FreeImage: 3.12.0 released FreeImage is an Open Source library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others as needed by today's multimedia applications. FreeImage is easy to use, fast, multithreading safe, compatible with all 32-bit versions of Windows, and cross-platform (works both with Linux and Mac OS X). Thanks to it's ANSI C interface, FreeImage is usable in many languages including C, C , VB, C#, Delphi, Java and also in common scripting languages such as Perl, Python, PHP, TCL or Ruby. The library comes in two versions: a binary DLL distribution that can be linked against any WIN32 C/C compiler and a source distribution. Workspace files for Microsoft VS.Net 2003 and VS.Net 2005 are provided, as well as makefiles for Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris 9. What's new for FreeImage ? --------------------------- Release 3.12.0 is a maintenance release that brings several internal enhancements suggested by our users and also support for the PFM format. The library has been updated with the new libtiff (3.9.0), libpng (1.2.35) and OpenJPEG (1.3.0) libraries. FreeImage is also distributed with an updated C# wrapper. As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation. Where can I find FreeImage ? ---------------------------- FreeImage can be downloaded from:

The FreeImage Project

What is FreeImage? FreeImage is an Open Source library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others as needed by today's multimedia applications. FreeImage is easy to use, fast, multithreading safe, compatible with all 32-bit versions of Windows, and cross-platform (works both with Linux and Mac OS X).

13 April 2009 QPhoton: Files

You have selected the V0.2.0 release. Please choose the file that best matches your architecture or operating system from the list of files contained in this release. QPhoton: Files

QPhoton is a multiplatform (MS Windows/Linux) open source photo viewer and photo editor with scripting capabilities and plugin interface. QPhoton

QPhoton is a multiplatform (MS Windows/Linux) open source photo viewer and photo editor with scripting capabilities and plugin interface. Software Search

QPhoton is a multiplatform (MS Windows/Linux) open source photo viewer and photo editor with scripting capabilities and plugin interface.

26 March 2009


Utilizando o Audacity Antes de qualquer coisa precisamos obter o programa, se o seu sistema for Windows, acesse o site e baixe o instalador e o arquivo Lame, este arquivo serve para transformar suas produções em MP3. O Audacity não transforma os arquivos em MP3 sem o Lame, pois a extensão MP3 é um formato licenciado, ou seja, para produzir um software ou um aparelho que utilize a tecnologia MP3, deve-se pagar royalts para a empresa detentora dos direitos; por isso dentro da comunidade de Software Livre o formato defendido para arquivos de som é o OGG que encontra-se licenciado dentro da lei GNU, porém muitos aparelhos ainda não possuem suporte para esta tecnologia. Para instalar em sistemas Linux, vamos utilizar o terminal. Atenção: Você deve conhecer a senha de administrador para realizar esta instalação. Uma das maravilhas do Linux, em específico nas versões em DEBIAN, é a instalação via apt-get, basta saber o nome do pacote e no terminal dar o comando apt-get install nome_do_programa e pronto! Para instalar entre no terminal e siga os passos: 1. Digite: su root e tecle ENTER 2. Digite a senha de root e tecle ENTER 3. apt-get update ===> isso irá atualizar a sua lista de programas, não precisa fazer sempre!!! 4. Digite: apt-get install Audacity 5. Talvez seja necessário teclar no Y e dar um ENTER se pedir para confirmar. 6. Digite: apt-get install lamme Escrito por Prof. Eziquiel Menta - [email protected]

Tips - Audacity Wiki

This page collects together tips on particular aspects of working with Audacity and your hardware. Following these will greatly enhance your day-to-day experience of using Audacity. Contents [hide] * 1 Related pages: * 2 Working in Audacity * 3 Troubleshooting Audio Files * 4 Managing and understanding the technology * 5 Recording Tips * 6 Troubleshooting Recordings * 7 Using other programs [edit] Related pages: Our collection of Tutorials giving step-by-step guidance on performing common tasks using Audacity. [edit] Working in Audacity * Aligning Audio * Audacity for blind users * Changing the current language * EffectsTips * File Management Tips * Multi-Tool Mode * NavigationTips * PlaybackTips * Selecting Audio * Sending your work to others [edit] Troubleshooting Audio Files * Trouble moving an Audacity project * Disk full error happens very quickly. * Can't open file (with spaces in the name) * Can't open multiple files [edit] Managing and understanding the technology * Bit Depth * Managing Computer Resources and Drivers * Sample Rates * Updating Sound Device Drivers [edit] Recording Tips * Cassette Deck Magnetisation * Hardware influence on recording quality * Improving Recording Quality * Recording from Cassette * Recording levels * Reducing noise * Removing Artifacts * Speech Recording [edit] Troubleshooting Recordings * Recording cursor stuck * Clipping (distortion of louder sounds) * Skips (bits of audio missing) * Hiss or Hum * One stereo channel very quiet * Left and Right sound keep swapping * Noise at regular intervals * Recording out of sync * Speed variations in recording [edit] Using other programs * Other Programs * Audio Restoration * Adding drums * Tuning Instruments Retrieved from "" Categories: For Users | Tips

Brazilian Portuguese Information - Audacity Wiki

Há alguns tutoriais ensinando a utilizar o Audacity disponíveis na internet e aqui no wiki. Ajude-nos! Adicione aqui links para páginas com tutoriais e ajuda em geral no uso do Audacity e auxilie outros usuários. Tutoriais no Wiki * Instruções para instalar lame_enc.dll para Windows, que permite exportar arquivos em formato MP3. Tutoriais em vídeo * Tutoriais do Audacity em aulas de vídeo no Youtube, pelo músico Luiz França: o Aula 1 : Preferências e lame_enc.dll o Aula 2 : Como importar áudio o Aula 3 : Como selecionar áudio e trabalhar com essas seleções. Cortar, colar, etc. o Aula 4 : Gravando áudio o Aula 5 : Continuação de Gravação. Alterar o picth (tom) e a velocidade do áudio. o Aula 6 : Mixagem do áudio: equalização, fade e exportação. o Aula 7 : Removendo voz e montando playbacks com o uso do plugin centerpanremover. * Tutoriais ensinando a usar o programa e criar podcasts, pelo Prof. Eziquiel Menta: o Uma Introdução ao Audacity o Vídeos: + Controles Básicos + Editando + Preferências + Música de Fundo Artigos ensinando a usar o programa pela equipe gnu-lia * Uma breve Introdução ao Audacity * Capturando som através do microfone * Criando uma seqüência musical sem intervalos entre as músicas * Colocando voz em um arquivo de áudio * Capturando o áudio de um disco de vinil e transformando-o em um CD Retrieved from "" Category: Internationalization

Audacity: Documentação

Documentação Esta página contém guias e manuais de usuário para o Audacity. Para encontrar mais ajuda, veja a FAQ(Perguntas e Respostas Comuns) e os Tutoriais e Dicas na Wiki, em inglês. Guia de Referência Rápida * Leia o guia de referência do Audacity online. (Acessável também pelo menu "Ajuda" do Audacity) * Versão para impressão da guia de referência. (Esta parte pode ser impressa em uma folha única, utilizando a função imprimir do seu navegador). Manual do Usuário do Audacity * Leia o manual online. * Copie o manual do Audacity em formato HTML. (Para ler o manual, utilize um descompactador de arquivos ZIP e abra o arquivo "index.html" no seu navegador) * Copie o manual do Audacity em formato PDF. Aide en Français * Menu d'aide d'Audacity en français (Remplacer le fichier qui porte comme nom, audacity-1.2-help.htb par celui qu'on vous propose. Aide) * Manuel d'Audacity en français (zip, 700 ko.) * Mode d'emploi en français (PDF, 700 ko. Ce fichier peut prendre un bon moment de télécharger.) Hilfe auf Deutsch * Deutsche Hilfedatei (htb) (Ersetzen Sie audacity-1.2-help.htb im Audacity Installation-Heft mit diesem Download.) * Deutsches Handbuch (PDF) * Markus Priemer - Audacity kompakt Das deutschsprachige Anwenderhandbuch zu Audacity. Herausgegeben vom bomots Verlag. Mit Unterstützung und einem Vorwort von Audacity-Entwickler Markus Meyer.