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03 August 2007 20:45

Wine HQ - Wine HowTo

How to help get applications working in Wine If you want to help get an application working in Wine, the first thing you should do is register yourself in the applications database and use one of your votes to indicate that you'd like more effort to be spent on the application. Every once in a while, a Wine developer will finish a project and look for something to do - combing through the higher voted apps to find one that people need work on is a great way to spend one's time and fill up a todo list. If the application that you want working is not listed in the applications database, there is an easy to use form available for you to add it. If the application is in the database, but lacks a maintainer, you should consider becoming one. If you are familiar with Wine and have a desire to test the application and help get or keep it working, please apply by clicking the link in the application's page. Each application should have a supermaintainer, and, if different versions of the application are substantially different (such as in Internet Explorer), each subversion should have a maintainer. Please don't feel deterred by the need to apply to become a maintainer - the application form is largely a formality to prevent abuse and we can virtually guarantee your acceptance. If you are the developer or publisher of the application, you obviously have a very big incentive to help get your application working under Wine. Fortunately, there are many options available to you other than reporting bugs and hoping someone will fix them. By far the easiest way is to simply send free copies of your software to Wine developers and hope they'll take an interest in getting it working. You'd be amazed how effective this approach can be, particularly for games. An alternative option, perhaps more effective and expensive, is to pay Wine developers for their work on your application, either directly through a negotiated contract or indirectly by posting a bounty. CodeWeavers, a major Wine developer, offers a special section for pledges at their compatibility center website. The most direct method, however, is to help develop Wine itself and contribute code directly, which is exactly what Corel did for WordPerfect several years ago. In any case, making a post on the Wine developers email list can go a long way

Wine HQ - Announce

This is release 0.9.42 of Wine, a free implementation of Windows on Unix. What's new in this release: - Support for activation contexts and side-by-side assemblies. - Many more gdiplus functions. - More messaging support in crypt32.dll. - Many HTTP protocol handling fixes. - Lots of bug fixes.

03 August 2007 20:30

Wine HQ

by 10 others (via)
Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X, OpenGL, and Unix.

03 August 2007 18:45

MediaCoder - Downloads

by 3 others
Requirements * Windows XP/2000 (recommended) * Windows Vista (may work, please report) * Windows 98/ME (most features may work) * Linux with WINE (some users have reported that most features can work) * SSE instruction set is required for some target formats * Dual-core processors have optimized performance

01 August 2007 03:15

22 June 2007 18:00

Safari for Windows

Agora a briga vai ficar mais feia! O safari entra pra briga, antes só disponível para Mac OS está disponível para windows, tem um site para você baixar o beta! Infelizmente não tem para linux, mas tomara que seja questão de tempo, o que geralmente não é pois não existe nada da Apple pra linux, nem Quick time e nem iTunes (E isso é pq o MAC OS é um unix like ). A gerra dos browsers vai ficar melhor do que estava agora!

22 June 2007 03:30

eXPerience Linux - Baixaki Download

O eXPerience Linux foi criado no intuito de proporcionar a eXPeriência do Linux ao usuário leigo.Mesmo uma instalação simples do Linux pode demandar investimento em tempo e espaço no HD, sendo que você pode nem acabar gostando do Sistema Operacional. O eXPerience Linux opera do seguinte principio: • Um arquivo é criado no Drive do Windows que age como um HD Virtual e a distro customizada é instalada dentro desse arquivo.Uma Vez o eXPerience Linux iniciado uma versão do Linux é “bootada” tão facilmente quanto qualquer aplicativo do Windows , simplesmente abrindo a partir do Desktop.Assim você tem uma versão completa do Linux, que acredita que está rodando de uma partição dedicada. As vantagens desse formato são obvias.Primeiro você não precisa se preocupar com dividir ou reparticionar seu HD. Segundo, você não Precisa abandonar o Windows durante o processo de instalação ou usar discos de boot ou CD’s para instalar.Finalmente você não precisa nem mesmo deixar o ambiente Windows para entrar para entrar no Linux, já que tudo acontece dentro do SO da Microsoft. Só para muitos novatos, só essas razões são suficientes para investigar o eXPerience Linux.

20 June 2007 19:30

VirtualBox - VirtualBox

by 2 others
VirtualBox -- professional, flexible, open ¶ innotek VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware. Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, it is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software. Some of the features of VirtualBox are: * Modularity. VirtualBox has an extremely modular design with well-defined internal programming interfaces and a client/server design. This makes it easy to control it from several interfaces at once: for example, you can start a virtual machine in a typical virtual machine GUI and then control that machine from the command line, or possibly remotely. VirtualBox also comes with a full Software Development Kit: even though it is Open Source Software, you don't have to hack the source to write a new interface for VirtualBox. * Virtual machine descriptions in XML. The configuration settings of virtual machines are stored entirely in XML and are independent of the local machines. Virtual machine definitions can therefore easily be ported to other computers. * Guest Additions for Windows and Linux. VirtualBox has special software that can be installed inside Windows and Linux virtual machines to improve performance and make integration much more seamless. Among the features provided by these Guest Additions are mouse pointer integration and arbitrary screen solutions (e.g. by resizing the guest window). A number of extra features are available with the full VirtualBox release only (see the "Editions" page for details): * Virtual USB Controllers. VirtualBox implements a virtual USB controller and allows you to connect arbitrary USB devices to your virtual machines without having to install device specific drivers on the host. * Remote Desktop Protocol. Unlike any other virtualization software, VirtualBox fully supports the standard Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). A virtual machine can act as an RDP server, allowing you to "run" the virtual machine remotely on some thin client that merely displays the RDP data. * USB over RDP. With this unique feature, a virtual machine that acts as an RDP server can still access arbitrary USB devices that are connected on the RDP client. This way, a powerful server machine can virtualize a lot of thin clients that merely need to display RDP data and have USB devices plugged in. * Shared folders. Like many other virtualization solutions, for easy data exchange between hosts and guests, VirtualBox allows for declaring certain host directories as "shared folders", which can then be accessed from within virtual machines. Versions ¶ VirtualBox comes in different versions, depending on your needs. Please see the Editions page for details. Screenshots ¶ We have put together a small tour of the VirtualBox features on the Screenshots page. Press Coverage ¶ We maintain a link list to press articles about VirtualBox on the Press page.

20 June 2007 08:30

PluginDoc: Linux (x86)

by 1 other
Mozilla Plugin Support on Linux (x86) * Adobe Reader * Adobe SVG Viewer * Cult3D * Curl Surge * DjVuLibre * Flash Player * FreeWRL * gxine * Java Runtime Environment * LinuxJ2K * mozplugger * mplayerplug-in * Plugger * RealPlayer 10 or Helix Player * CrossOver Office - Run Windows Browser Plugins on Linux

18 June 2007 01:00

Clam AntiVirus

by 9 others (via)
Clam AntiVirus is an open source (GPL) anti-virus toolkit for UNIX, designed especially for e-mail scanning on mail gateways. It provides a number of utilities including a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line scanner and advanced tool for automatic database updates. The core of the package is an anti-virus engine available in a form of shared library.(Read more...) Latest releases Latest ClamAV™ stable release is: 0.90.3 Total number of signatures: 127308 ClamAV Virus Databases: main.cvd ver. 43 released on 11 Apr 2007 00:14 0200 daily.cvd ver. 3450 released on 18 Jun 2007 00:48 0000 News Help nominate ClamAV for 2007 Community Choice Awards June 8th, 2007 Posted by - luca If you are a registered user on then you can help to make sure that ClamAV is eligible for Community Choice Awards by nominating ClamAV to one or more categories. Once all final nominees have been decided (Read more...) ClamAV featured on ITSecurity April 29th, 2007 Posted by - luca The recent article from features ClamAV (and some ClamAV third-party related projects) among the best 103 Free Security Apps for Mac, Windows and Linux . You can read the full article at Quick reaction to new Storm Worm variant outbreak April 13th, 2007 Posted by - luca PCWorld reports that four antivirus had a quick reaction to the new Storm Worm variant that has recently started spreading: A huge virus surge of a new Storm Worm variant is flooding email inboxes and evading many antivirus programs. In (Read more...) 100.000 signatures March 18th, 2007 Posted by - luca Only one month after reaching the 90.000 goal, our CVDs now contain more than 100.000 signatures! ClamAV sigmakers have been working really hard to improve the malware coverage of ClamAV: we strive to be more competitive day by day. New CVD releases are announced on our clamav-virusdb mailing-list. A searchable archive is available. Switch to SVN completed February 19th, 2007 Posted by - luca Finally we switched from CVS to Subversion. Our website has been updated accordingly: read the instructions on how to access the new repository. The old cvs2web interface has been replaced by Please report any problem to Luca Next Page » Main Menu * Home * Sobre o ClamAV

01 June 2007 11:30

Instalador do Ubuntu para Windows

O pacote permite a instalação e configuração do Ubuntu de dentro do Windows. O download inicial é pequeno, com o restante dos arquivos sendo baixados usando BitTorrent. Na instalação, o usuário pode escolher entre três versões do Ubuntu: a original, o Kubuntu (que usa KDE como interface padrão) e o Xubuntu (feito para máquinas mais antigas). O download completo fica em cerca de 610 MB para o Ubuntu original. Mas, quem tiver de interromper o processo pode continuar os downloads posteriormente. VAI REDIRECIONAR PARA : LÁ mencionado O wubi ( wubi-installer) como segue: The Windows-based Ubuntu Installer has been renamed to Wubi, and the core backend has been named Lupin. The Linux version is named Lubi, and the tool to upgrade loopmounted installations to full installs is named LVPM.

16 May 2007 09:15

16 May 2007 08:30

23 March 2007 07:00

GIMPShop 2.2.8

GIMPShop é uma modificação que deixa o editor de imagens gratuito GIMP com visual similar ao Photoshop. Dentre suas funções estão uma longa lista de características e customizações, principalmente na interface gráfica do programa, que modifica as estruturas dos menus e ajustes para deixar o software parecido com o editor de imagens da Adobe. O software trabalha apenas com os plugins do GIMP, não suportando os plugins para o Photoshop. A versão para Windows pode usar um plugin chamado Dweridifier( Clique aqui ), capaz de sobrepor várias janelas em apenas uma, como se uma só aplicação trabalhasse com múltiplas aplicações. A biblioteca GTK++ já está incluída no programa. Se você não conhecia o GIMP ou não o usava por ter se acostumado demais ao Photoshop, experimente esta ferramenta livre e gratuita e edite suas fotografias e imagens. GIMPShop dot Net

05 March 2007 11:30

03 March 2007 22:30