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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag windowmanager

August 2008

September 2007

Notas de Lançamento do GNOME 2.20

O que há de novo para usuários O foco do Projeto GNOME nos usuários e usabilidade continua no GNOME 2.20 com centenas de correções de erros e melhorias solicitadas pelos usuários. O número massivo de melhorias torna impossível listar todas as modificações e melhorias realizadas, mas esperamos destacar alguns dos recursos mais interessantes para o usuário neste lançamento do GNOME.

August 2007

The KOffice Project - Download KOffice

Download KOffice Information KOffice is currently available as version 1.6.3 designed to run with KDE 3.3 or later. KOffice is released separately from the rest of KDE, so KOffice releases are not in sync with those of KDE. If you wish to use a newer development version, then you will need to compile from source.

kde office- koffice

by 4 others
KOffice - Integrated Office Suite KOffice is a free, integrated office suite for KDE, the K Desktop Environment. KOffice 1.6.3 is the current official KOffice release. Please see the release notes for further details.

GNOME 2.18 (Simplesmente Lindo)

A segurança pessoal agora está completamente integrada ao ambiente, permitindo comunicação assinada digitalmente, criptografia de correio eletrônico e de arquivos locais, e gerenciamento amigável de chaves pessoais. A internacionalização registra progresso em todas as direções, com suporte à disposição vertical de texto, e localização completa para o árabe de acordo com os padrões de qualidade. O lançamento oficial incorpora ferramentas essenciais para desenvolvedores, eventualmente levando à colaboração com mais e melhores programas para os usuários do GNOME.

kde download

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July 2007


Version: 0.1 Type: GTK 2.x Theme/Style Depends on: GTK 2.x Downloads: 5660 Submitted: Oct 4 2004 Comments: 2 Score: score53S%score 53% good Vote: badgood sriva sriva License: GPL

Installing Xfce on Ubuntu

Installing Xfce on Ubuntu Why Xubuntu? If you have a computer with rather modest specifications (I'd say anywhere between 128 MB of RAM to 256 MB of RAM), you may find that Kubuntu's KDE and Ubuntu's Gnome are too slow on your computer to be functional. There's another desktop environment called Xfce that is relatively lightweight, and Xubuntu is the version of Ubuntu that comes with Xfce as its default desktop environment.


Description: 3D-Desktop is an OpenGL program for switching virtual desktops in a seamless 3-dimensional manner on Linux. The current desktop is mapped into a fullscreen 3D environment where you may choose other screens. Several different visualization modes are available.

Window Managers for X: Metacity

Metacity is a lightweight window manager written by Havoc Pennington from Red Hat. The first version was 2.3, which was released in 2001. It is implemented with the GTK 2.x toolkit, and so integrates well with the GNOME 2.x platform. In fact the intention is to remove the traditional separation between window manager and desktop, and present to the user a single desktop interface. This means that the limited configuration options available for Metacity are shown as desktop options, not as Metacity options (although there is an optional "Metacity-setup" panel which conflicts with this approach).

Window Managers for X

by 4 others (via)
Welcome Welcome to my guide to window managers and desktop environments for The X Window System, as used mainly by Linux and UNIX operating systems. Here you will find descriptions, screenshots and configuration files for all popular window managers, along with related resources, including a news and discussion area. Simply click on the appropriate links on the left, or below.

June 2007

GNOME 2.18 Live Media available for download

The GNOME Demos and LiveCD contain all the latest and greatest GNOME software and provide a great way to test GNOME without requiring to install it on your PC. GNOME offers a number of different ways to test or try GNOME in the environment of your choice. These are all "Live" systems, meaning full Linux systems with GNOME included using various virtualization technologies. The current Live Media for download are based on GNOME 2.18 (release notes).