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25 Blog Improvement Tips For The New Year

by 1 other
1. Figure out what you’re really an expert in. 2. Put your readers first. 3. Subscribe to other blogs. 4. Comment on other blogs. 5. Link to other blogs. 6. Have a reader survey to find out what your readers really think about your blog. 7. Change your ads around. 8. Declutter your blog. 9. Sign up at a new social networking service. 10. Hold a blog contest. 11. Set up automated blog back ups. 12. Update your blog’s software. 13. Update your plugins. 14. Write for another blog. 15. Ask people to write for your blog. 16. Take a vacation. 17. Set up a blog posting schedule. 18. Throw out your blog posting schedule. 19. Choose (or create) a new theme. 20. Write from a new perspective. 21. Change your writing environment. 22. Stir things up. 23. Use more images. 24. Get more personal. 25. Remind yourself that blogging is fun EU AQUI COM O KUBUNTU GUTSY LIVECD.



meu widget Dezembro 3, 2007 abaixo está o meu widget da widgetbox .ou o que deveria ser ele se postado mo local adequado,como está é apenas html ou seja NADA…nadadenovo.o que faço agora? descubro como widgetize o meu blog aqui? ou fica assim até que alguém possa me ajudar?