public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags suse & os

24 September 2007 15:30

23 September 2007 16:30 - The RPM Package Manager

RPM is a core component of many Linux distributions, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Fedora Project, SUSE Linux Enterprise, openSUSE, CentOS, Mandriva Linux, and many others. It is also used on many other operating systems as well, and the RPM format is part of the Linux Standard Base.

13 September 2007 14:30

FreeFEUP - Downloads

A FEUP tem um serviço de mirrors onde se pode descarregar muito do software livre disponível. "Este serviço, criado pelo NEACM, surgiu devido à necessidade de fazer uma base de dados de todos os mirrors que se encontram alojados na FEUP."

11 June 2007 01:15


by 3 others
The openSUSE project is a worldwide community program sponsored by Novell that promotes the use of Linux everywhere. The program provides free and easy access to openSUSE. Here you will find a community of users and developers, who all have the same goal in mind—to create and distribute the world's most usable Linux.