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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags recorder & "desktop record"

May 2010

Ubuntu -- Details of package istanbul in lucid

Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video Istanbul is a desktop session recorder for the Free Desktop. It records your session into an Ogg Theora video file. To start the recording, you click on its icon in the notification area. To stop you click its icon again. It can make a screencast of the full screen or just of an area of the screen. It is even capable of recording audio from the default input channel. It works on GNOME, KDE, Xfce and others. Other Packages Related to istanbul

Istanbul - GNOME Live!

FAQ 'Why is it so sluggish when recording?' The problem is that the theora encoder takes up a lot of CPU power. Things you can do to reduce that effect: i) use libtheora 1.0alpha6 or greater. This will speed up on x86 and amd64 architectures. ii) record at a lower width and height iii) select a smaller part of the screen. Development Development is done in GNOME git. Clone the repository using: git clone git:// Contact Contact me at zaheerabbas at merali dot org Feel free to submit patches, especially UI patches to the Istanbul product in GNOME Bugzilla! CategoryProject Istanbul (last edited 2010-03-25 21:40:12 by ZeeshanAli)

June 2009

iMartins Linux pt: Converter OGV para AVI - em linux

Converter OGV para AVI - em linux PESQUISA GOOGLE..".como mudar ogv para avi" SERÁ QUE DEVERIA SER ogg E avi USEI O gtk-recordMyDesktop AQUI NO ubuntu jaunty LiveCD

October 2008

Tutoriais em vídeo com CaptureFox

Conheci esta semana através do Digital Inspiration um complemento super legal para o Firefox, ideal para quem publica tutoriais em seus blogs. Trata-se do Capture Fox, uma pequena extensão gratuita que possibilita capturar em vídeo seqüencias realizadas na tela do computador, juntamente com a voz para narração através do microfone.