public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag "psychocats linux"

October 2009

Ubuntu Linux Resources

by 3 others
Ubuntu Linux Resources What is this? What is Ubuntu? Who are you? Why did you make this? How often do you update this site? Are there any out-of-date tutorials?" Can I translate or redistribute the tutorials here? How can I donate to this project? What other Ubuntu resources are there? Can I use this for other Linux distributions? How do I contact you?

June 2009

wineintrepid12.png (imagem PNG, 648x357 pixels)

linux psychocats, psychocats ubuntu, psychocats linux, psychocats, lubi, cygwin, virtualbox, wubi, ubuntu, wine, ubuntu wine, wine ubuntu, ubuntu psychocats,

Installing Mozilla's Firefox on Ubuntu

by 3 others (via)
Installing Mozilla's Firefox on Ubuntu Why would you want to install the Mozilla version of Firefox? Copy and paste terminal commands Notes Commands to remove Mozilla's version Use a script to automate the commands Why would you want to install the Mozilla version of Firefox? There's usually no reason anyone would have to install the Mozilla version of Firefox. The Ubuntu repositories version receives security updates and is integrated with the filesystem. If you use the Mozilla version, you'll have to integrate it with the filesystem so that it launches properly and uses the right multimedia plugins, and you'll also have to do manual security updates.

May 2008

IEs4Linux - psychocats

Installing IEs4Linux on Ubuntu Why use Internet Explorer on Ubuntu? Some people are baffled (even outraged sometimes) at hearing that someone might want to use Internet Explorer (IE) on a Linux distro. With Firefox, Epiphany, Opera, and Konqueror available, choosing Internet Explorer seems to these people ludicrous. There are two main reasons people use IE on Ubuntu: 1. For web design, you want to be able to preview how the majority of people will see your website 2. You bank or do business with a site that works in only IE, and Firefox's User Agent Switcher extension just isn't cutting it (by the way, that extension handles a lot—I'd recommend trying it before installing IE)

September 2007

August 2007