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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags pclinuxos & opensource


Get PCLinuxOS ยป PCLinuxOS

Get PCLinuxOS PCLinuxOS is available featuring various desktop interfaces depending on your needs. KDE Desktop LXDE Desktop XFCE Desktop GNOME Zen Mini Desktop Enlightenment Desktop OpenBox Desktop Gnome Desktop


PCLinuxOS HardWare DataBase

I am taking down the old database soon and I would like the working or non working hardware to be transferred over, but there's a problem. Support for .93a has been dropped and all that hardware hasn't been tested on PCLinuxOS 2007. If you have tested any hardware that's listed on the old database as only working under .93a then please let me know so I can transfer it to the new database. I'm starting this week by focusing on the motherboards that are on the old database. I have created a PDF of the 48 motherboards that are listed on the old database. If you have one of these boards running on 2007 then please let me know and I will transfer that information over. Make sure you also let me know is there were any special steps to get it to work on PCLinuxOS. Thanks PDF Link Last Updated ( Tuesday, 12 June 2007 )


by 4 others
PCLinuxOS Magazine June 2007 Issue 10 Released! Written by devnet Friday, 01 June 2007 It is my privilege to announce on behalf of the team members of the PCLinuxOS Magazine Project sponsored by, the June 2007 issue (#10) is available for download! Our previous issues can also be downloaded. We are simultaneously publishing the HTML Version of the Magazine as well for our low bandwidth users. The HTML Site is W3C standards compliant for easy browsing.

On the Bench: PCLinuxOS 2007, radically simple?

by 1 other
PCLinuxOS released it’s most recent incarnation and has even succeeded to surpass Ubuntu in popularity with (if we use the Distrowatch ranking as an indication of that). With it’s roots solidly in Madriva and dedicated to be even more user...