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strumpet (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary

strumpet - definition and synonyms Using the thesaurus noun [countable] old-fashioned strumpet pronunciation in British English /ˈstrʌmpɪt/ Word Forms Contribute to our Open Dictionary an insulting word for a woman who has a lot of sexual relationships or has sex with people who pay her money Synonyms and related words Words for women who have a lot of sexual partners:nymphomaniac, tramp, whore...

favorite definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary

favorite - definition and synonyms Using the thesaurus favorite pronunciation in British English /ˈfeɪv(ə)rət/ Contribute to our Open Dictionary the American spelling of favourite Synonyms and related words Participants in games and competitions:a good/bad loser, all-comers, a sore loser...

demagogic (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary

demagogic - definition adjective Contribute to our Open Dictionary From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary characteristic of or resembling a demagogue I want to hear rational arguments, not just demagogic fallacies. Submitted by Manuel Lujan from Argentina on 11/05/2016

itsy-bitsy (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary

itsy-bitsy - definition and synonyms Using the thesaurus adjective informal itsy-bitsy pronunciation in British English /ˌɪtsi ˈbɪtsi/ or itty-bitty itty-bitty pronunciation in British English /ˌɪti ˈbɪti/ Contribute to our Open Dictionary very small Synonyms and related words Small in size:small, little, tiny...

titbit (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary

a small piece of food Synonyms and related words Amounts and pieces of food:a stick of butter/margarine, batch, bed... Explore Thesaurus 2 a piece of interesting information titbits of gossip Synonyms and related words General words for information, news and facts:information, data, datum...