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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "linux windows" & download

November 2007

jSMS (Java Short Messages Sender) Download

O jSMS é um software desenvolvido em Java para enviar mensagens de texto a celulares das operadoras Amazônia Celular, Brasil Telecom, Claro, CTBC, Nextel, Oi, Telemig, Vivo e TIM (é necessário ser cliente desta última operadora). Totalmente portável, funciona em Linux, Windows e Mac OS. Para facilitar o uso, o jSMS oferece: * Agenda de contatos; * Múltiplos perfis de envio; * Histórico de mensagens.

October 2007

Audacity Download

Audacity é um editor de áudio que pode gravar, reproduzir e importar/exportar sons nos formatos WAV, AIFF, MP3 e OGG. Edite suas músicas usando cortes, copie e cole recursos (com funcionalidades de desfazer/refazer ilimitadas), mixe faixas ou aplique efeitos na gravação — tudo com muita "audacidade"!

Lame MP3 Encoder Binaries

These files are in the Zip format. Either one should automatically extract if you download it with Safari, or if you double-click it in the Finder.

Download Scintilla and SciTE

Windows Executables A full download (800K) includes the SciTE executable, any required DLLs, configuration files and documentation. After downloading the file, unzip it, and run SciTE.EXE. The files required to run SciTE are SciTE.EXE, SciLexer.DLL, and and these are best located in one directory on the path. - Download all your missing dll-files.

by 20 others (via)
Welcome to! Everyone has received a "Couldn't find ****.dll..." pop-up message at some time. Well folks, your problems are over! Here you will find the most common files that may be missing or corrupted on your computer. Feel free to download at no cost!

September 2007

August 2007

FAQ - The Official Wine Wiki

General Questions: 1. How do I run Wine? 2. What is the difference between Wine, Crossover Linux, and Cedega? 3. Can I use Wine to install drivers for my hardware? 4. Why do some people write WINE and not Wine? 5. Is Wine an emulator? There seems to be an argument. 6. Does Wine hurt Linux? 7. Why does Wine have a Windows version on the download page? 8. Does Wine run on 64-bit ? 9. Where can I get further help?