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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags gimp & graphics

31 March 2008


Disciplina TIC - 9.º ano * Programa [PDF, 227 KB] * Legislação [PDF, 102 KB] * Orientações Curriculares (documento e forum de discussão no moodle CRIE ) - [entrada como "Visitante/Guest"] * Ligações Úteis ► Quadros Interactivos na Educação ► Área de Projecto 8º ano / e-portfolio ► As TIC nos JI e nas EB1 ► Aplicações gratuitas úteis para o ensino * Lista de aplicações gratuitas * Inkscape (manual) * GIMP (manual) ► Alinex para as Salas TIC ► CBTIC@EB1

30 March 2008

15 March 2008

24 February 2008

22 February 2008

19 February 2008

18 February 2008

Gimp Tutoriais

(via) Fevereiro 18, 2008, 02:52:33 * Olá, Visitante. Por favor Entre ou Registe-se se ainda não for membro. Perdeu o seu e-mail de activação? Entrar com nome de utilizador, password e duração da sessão Notícias: Última versão do GiMP: 2.4 Início Ajuda Pesquisa Calendário Entrar Registe-se playstation games 3D computação gráfica CG dualcore CPU monitores desenho computadores câmeras digitais scanners tablets cursos animação memória lcd linux nvidia gforce amd pendrive mp4 mp3 dvd divx > Gimp > Gimp Tutoriais (Moderadores: ducacm, The Nick)

Visual Design: Gimp Tutorial: Creating a Navigation Button

Gimp Tutorial: Creating a Navigation Button Labels: Gimp Tutorials Navigation buttons are essential features of both web pages and application interfaces. In the following tutorial, we create an attractive navigation button in a few simple steps that can be followed even with limited Gimp knowledge. :

17 February 2008

15 February 2008

Nicu's Clipart Collection

by 2 others
All of those images are made by me and are released as Public Domain, so they can be used whitout any restriction. The file format is SVG, a W3C standard and, in my experience, the best tool for viewing and editing them is Inkscape, but any SVG editor should do the job. Warning: for viewing in the web browser, at the moment the best option is the brta release of Firefox 3, as previous versions have problems displaying advanced SVG features. Available Galleries: playing cards (L) animals (D) arrows (D) borders (D) callouts (D) clock (D) clothes (D) computers (D) flags (D) flowcharts (D) flowers (D) fruits (D) fullsize (D) game_elements (D) happy (D) holidays (D) jigsaw (D) misc (D) office (D) pacman (D) people (D) rpg_map (D) shapes (D) silhouettes (D) smileys (D) special (D) stick_man (D) symbols (D) toys (D) weather (D)

Turn a digital photo into Polaroid with GIMP

Related Content: * Graphics Tutorials * Fedora stuff and artwork * stuff and artwork * Clipart * Playing Cards * Cartoons * People Faces * Pin-ups

04 February 2008