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July 2009

VLC Media Player 1.0.0 RC3 « WinExperience 2009

* nício * Contato * Sobre * Interatividade * Parceiros * Glossário * Especiais * Ajuda Notícias rápidas #36 Foobar2000 VLC Media Player 1.0.0 RC3 Publicado por: Ricardo Luis em: Segunda-feira, Junho 8, 2009 * In: Downloads| Softwares * Comment! O VLC Media Player é um player multímidia, de código aberto e com suportea skins e aos mais variados tipo de arquivos como: MPEG4, MPEG, DivX, MP3, OGG, entre outros: * Download: VLC Media Player 1.0.0 RC3 * Tamanho: 17.86 MB * Sistemas: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/XP64/Vista64 * Licença: gratuito * Mais informações: VideoLAN Tags: Atualizações, VLC, VLC Media Player

Blender 2.49 já disponivel para Download | Free Software for the Great Migration

Blender 2.49 já disponivel para Download O Blender 2.49 já está disponivel para download no site do Dessa vez teremos novos rec ... leer más en All tags: None

VLC: Sincronizar som e legendas. | Free Software for the Great Migration

VLC: Sincronizar som e legendas. vlcApós os posts de como corrigir as legendas no VLC e como ver filmes em ascii no VLC, venho aqui trazer umas dicas simples de como sincronizar as legendas e/ou o som. É bastante simples na verdade, o programa vem com atalhos para essas acções. Para sincronizar as legendas, podem ser utilizados os atalhos de teclado H e J para, respectivamente, diminuir ou aumentar o atraso com que as legendas... ... leer más en All tags: None

VLC Media Player 1.0.0 RC3 | Free Software for the Great Migration

VLC Media Player 1.0.0 RC3 O VLC Media Player é um player multímidia, de código aberto e com suportea skins e aos mais variados ... leer más en

Social Desktop

Welcome to the Social Desktop Contest! What is it? Last year the vision of the Social Desktop was born. The idea is to bring the power of online communities and group collaboration to desktop applications. One of the strongest assets of the free software community is our worldwide community of developers and users who believe in free software and who work hard to bring our software and solutions to the mainstream. wants to help to make this vision reality. We decided to launch a contest for applications, services and programs using it. Here is the challenge: create and submit applications, widgets, plasmoids or web services etc. as part of the contest and win one of our wonderful prizes.

February 2008

Direct Rendering Open Source Project

The Direct Rendering Infrastructure, also known as the DRI, is a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner. It includes changes to the X server, to several client libraries, and to the kernel (DRM, Direct Rendering Manager). The most important use for the DRI is to create fast OpenGL implementations. The DRI is an integral part of 7.x, and integrates with Mesa, an open source implementation of the OpenGL API. Several 3D accelerated drivers have been written to the DRI specification, including drivers for chipsets produced by ATI, Matrox, 3DFX, and Intel. The DRI was initially developed by Precision Insight, Inc. (PI) in cooperation with, and partially funded by Red Hat Inc., and SGI. Since PI's merger with VA Linux, and VA Linux' subsequent exit from Linux, the DRI is being maintained by Tungsten Graphics Inc., a new company formed by some of the initial DRI developers from PI. Tungsten Graphics is the current focal point for DRI development, and many open source developers continue to contribute to the project through the DRI project.