public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag flash

August 2007

Diepartus: Instalando Flash Player 9 no Ubuntu (Sem frescuras)

Instalando Flash Player 9 no Ubuntu (Sem frescuras) Tenho visto muitos tutorias para instalar o flash player 9, e, apesar de todos funcionar, acho muito complicado a forma que ensinam, sendo que é tão simples baixar o arquivo do site e instalar ele com o instalador próprio. Primeiro baixe a última versão aqui, no caso do Ubuntu, baixe o pacote .tar.gz. No diretório onde está o arquivo, rode o comando:

Instalando o Flash Player 9 no [K]ubuntu « Acarajé Turbinado

Instalando o Flash Player 9 no [K]ubuntu 27 02 2007 Execute os seguintes comandos: 1 - sudo deb edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse >> /etc/sources.list 2 - sudo apt-get update 3 - sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

gimp Stylish Text

Open the gimp and create a new image (CTRL+N), mine is 525x100. Change the foreground color in the toolbox to the color you want your text, press T for text tool and click on the canvas to enter your text. Choose a suitable font and size (I chose 70px "Sans Bold") and add your text (if you need to move the text use the move tool M). GIMP - TUTORIALS TUTORIALS-GIMP TUTORIAL - GIMP GIMP-TUTORIAL

Installing Flash on Ubuntu

Brief summary of the four installation methods * The first method is better for people who are using Edgy Eft (Ubuntu 6.10) or Feisty Fawn (Ubuntu 7.04) with extra repositories enabled. * The second method uses the official .tar.gz from the Adobe website and is most appropriate if you're using Dapper Drake (Ubuntu 6.06) or earlier. * The third method is a point-and-click method that works if you are the only user who needs Flash on your computer (Flash gets installed locally for the logged in user—not system-wide for all users) * The last method is really the same as the first method, but it uses a point-and-click method for enabling extra repositories and installing Flash.

July 2007

Ubuntu v7.04 Final ::

Após meses e meses de duro trabalho, constantes actualizações do kernel, muitos bugs corrigidos, muita paciência da comunidade em geral e dos developers em especial, passa a estar disponível para download a última versão do Ubuntu intitulada Feisty Fawn. Esta versão é um enorme salto qualitativo para o mundo linux, tanto a nível de facilidade de utilização, funcionalidades, não esquecendo porém algo que o Edgy não conseguiu impor no primeiro mês de vida mas que o Feisty na sua versão beta já conseguiu: Estabilidade. Alguns destaques desta versão : - Instalação automática de codecs essenciais. - Ferramenta de migração do Windows ( wallpaper, favoritos do IE e Firefox, contactos de programas de mensagens instantâneas). - Instalação fácil de software popular “não livre” ( Pacote «Ubuntu restricted extras» contém o Flash Player, Java, Microsoft TrueType fonts e alguns codecs áudio/vídeo). - Efeitos de Desktop instalados de origem (mas não activados). - Melhorias a nível de redes (Network Manager, Avahi). - Help Center renovado. - Outros: GNOME 2.18.1, 2.2, 7.2. O download é um ficheiro de imagem no formato .ISO

June 2007

Damn Small Linux, Download the ISO

If you like Damn Small Linux, please consider donating; even small contributions will help fund its continued development. Current md5sum: 95383f523ae7a24f9ff085c021ccf11e dsl-3.3.iso

DSL information

by 21 others (via)
DSL is a very versatile 50MB mini desktop oriented Linux distribution. Damn Small is small enough and smart enough to do the following things: * Boot from a business card CD as a live linux distribution (LiveCD) * Boot from a USB pen drive * Boot from within a host operating system (that's right, it can run *inside* Windows) * Run very nicely from an IDE Compact Flash drive via a method we call "frugal install" * Transform into a Debian OS with a traditional hard drive install * Run light enough to power a 486DX with 16MB of Ram * Run fully in RAM with as little as 128MB (you will be amazed at how fast your computer can be!) * Modularly grow -- DSL is highly extendable without the need to customize

PluginDoc: Linux (x86)

by 1 other
Mozilla Plugin Support on Linux (x86) * Adobe Reader * Adobe SVG Viewer * Cult3D * Curl Surge * DjVuLibre * Flash Player * FreeWRL * gxine * Java Runtime Environment * LinuxJ2K * mozplugger * mplayerplug-in * Plugger * RealPlayer 10 or Helix Player * CrossOver Office - Run Windows Browser Plugins on Linux

Linux Downloads Directory Gnash

Gnash 0.7.2 in Web applications / Other Votes: 0 Submitted by AndrewB on 2006-06-26 Update by antidrugue on 2007-04-17 Gnash is a GNU Flash movie player. Till now it has been possible to play flash movies with proprietary software. While there are a few free flash players, none supports anything higher than SWF v4 at best. Gnash is based on GameSWF, and supports many SWF v7 features. Homepage: Download: Tags: Flash, movies Required Distribution: No

March 2007

February 2007

September 2006