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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags desktop & themes



Candido Desktop

Themes available: The Engine, its Metacity and its themes are available in the Engine Section. Other themes are available in the Themes Section. - *Fast* cairo-based Engine. - Gtk2 Pixmap themes. - Metacity themes. - Official wallpapers. - Official GDM theme. - Xfwm4 themes. - KDE color schemes for your QT apps. This project is hosted by

Candido Desktop

Themes available: The Engine, its Metacity and its themes are available in the Engine Section. Other themes are available in the Themes Section. - *Fast* cairo-based Engine. - Gtk2 Pixmap themes. ATUALIZADO ( Update ) HOJE ( AGORA ) 8:29 p.m. ( 27 de AGOSTO de 2009 , QUINTA-FEIRA ) Project Get your linux a new Candido style! "Candido Desktop" is a project that aims to get a new style to all your linux desktop. It's composed on a variety of themes to completely redesign your desktop experience. Themes available: The Engine, its Metacity and its themes are available in the Engine Section. Other themes are available in the Themes Section. - *Fast* cairo-based Engine. - Gtk2 Pixmap themes. - Metacity themes. - Official wallpapers. - Official GDM theme. - Xfwm4 themes. - KDE color schemes for your QT apps. - Metacity themes. - Official wallpapers. - Official GDM theme. - Xfwm4 themes. - KDE color schemes for your QT apps. This project is hosted by


Instalar temas e icones no xfce

Instalar temas e ícones no Xfce (4.x) Para quem usa o Xfce, como qualquer outro utilizador de qualquer outro WM, precisa de modificar um pouco o seu desktop. Aqui vamos mostrar como instalar um theme xfwm4, um theme GTK e um pacote de ícones. Antes de mais, aviso desde já que os themes Metacity do Gnome não são compatíveis com o Xxfce em qualquer das suas versões. No entanto, é possível o port de Metacity para xfwm4. Primeiro, vamos obter os temas e o pacote de ícones

fluxbox themes

Here is the section were you'll be able to get the latest spiffy fluxbox themes as well as the ones that is shipped in the tarball (if you somehow lost or removed them). Submit Fluxbox Themes Please, do not send us themes you made anymore. Instead submit them at Default Fluxbox Styles Artwiz, Carbondioxide, CleanColor, Flux, MerleyKay, Nyz, Outcomes, Rancor, Shade, TDF, qnx-photon, Blue, Clean, Cthulhain, Makro, Minimal, Operation, Rampage, Results, Spiff, Twice :download / 7.93 KB