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Scribus download |

Scribus Powerful desktop publishing software Brought to you by: cbradney, jghali, kunda1, mrdocs, and 2 others Scribus is an Open Source program that brings professional page layout to Linux, BSD UNIX, Solaris, OpenIndiana, GNU/Hurd, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4, eComStation, and Windows desktops with a combination of press-ready output and new approaches to page design. Underneath a modern and user-friendly interface, Scribus supports professional publishing features, such as color separations, CMYK and spot colors, ICC color management, and versatile PDF creation.


A4 Open Source Calendar for 2009

A4 Open Source Calendar for 2009 1.0 Scribus Template scorpking scorpking Private Home - Hannes Coetzee Private South Africa, Eshowe last visit Apr 8 2009 0 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - A4 Open Source Calendar for 2009 zoom Downloads: 784 Submitted: Dec 15 2008 Updated: Feb 8 2009 Score: score63c%score 63% good bad good Description: The idea is to have an open source app for every month. The preview is an example of what I have in mind. Everything is on different layers to make editing easier so if you know Scribus it should be a breeze to edit. Changelog: v1.0 Template for calendar completed

Blue Dream

Blue Dream 1.0 Scribus Template michoko michoko - Michoko Michoko last visit Mar 28 2009 0 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - Blue Dream zoom Downloads: 399 Submitted: Mar 26 2009 Score: score54T%score 54% good bad good Description: Nice blue design.

sK1 Project

UniConvertor universal vector graphics translator UniConvertor is a universal vector graphics translator. It is a command line tool which uses sK1 object model to convert one format to another. Development of the import/export modules for this program goes through different stages, quality and feature coverage are different among formats. UniConvetor is used in Inkscape and Scribus projects as external tool for CorelDraw files importing.

sK1 Project

sK1 0.9 rev.335 snapshot source code and binary packages Source code tarball sK1-0.9.0-rev335.tar.gz 1143 kb Mandriva 2008 sK1-0.9.0-rev335-0.mdv2008.i586.rpm 1795 kb Ubuntu 7.10 sk1_0.9.0-rev335-1ubuntu10_i386.deb 1992 kb tcl/tk 8.5 packages for Ubuntu 7.10 tcl8.5_8.5.0-2ubuntu10_i386.deb 1516 kb tk8.5_8.5.0-3ubuntu10_i386.deb 1086 kb Installation guides for Ubuntu 7.10 You need installing following packages in this order: * tcl-8.5 * tk-8.5 * python-imaging * python-imaging-tk * python-liblcms And after that you can installing sK1 package. To run sK1 press Alt-F2 and type command "sk1" Many thanks to Oleksandr Moskalenko (Scribus team) for provided tcl/tk 8.5 packages!

sK1 Project

by 1 other (via)
sK1 illustration program About sK1 vector graphics editor sK1 is an open source vector graphics editor similar to CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, or Freehand. First of all sK1 is oriented for "prepress ready" PostScript & PDF output. The major sK1 features: * CMYK colorspace support * CMYK support in Postscript * Cairo-based engine * Color managment * Universal CDR importer (7-X3 versions) * Modern Ttk based (former Tile widgets) user interface

Estúdio Livre : sk1

sk1 Editor gráfico vetorial open source similar ao CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator e Freehand. sK1 é orientado a processamentos PostScript?.

Estúdio Livre : scribus

imprimir Tags: ilustracao grafico scribus design vetorial desktop publishing diagramacao páginas que citam esta: Softwares de Gráfico softwares para edição gráfica Usuário_boladao Usuário_gaby * Introdução * Instalação o Compilando o scribus no debian * Manuais e tutoriais o Em português o Em Inglês

Estúdio Livre : easypose

Código-fonte: * dependências: apt-get install imagemagick gambas pgf gs-gpl

GIMP - Downloads

GIMP for Windows The GIMP team doesn't officially provide any Windows binaries. You can, however, install GIMP easily using the Windows installers by Jernej Simončič. * Download GIMP 2.6.6 – Installer for Windows 2000 and above

Inkscape Brasil :: Bem Vind@!

"O Inkscape Brasil é uma Comunidade com interesse em agregar pessoas de toda parte do Brasil para discutir, trocar conhecimentos, divulgar e contribuir para o projeto" "O Inkscape é um programa para desenho vetorial, de código aberto,para desenho vetorial, de código aberto, que implementa o padrão SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), definido pela W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). Algumas características suportadas pelo SVG incluem formas primitívas, caminhos, texto, marcadores, clones, canal alfa, transformações, gradientes, filtros, grupos e mais, marcadores, clones, canal alfa, transformações, gradientes, filtros, grupos e mais... O Inkscape também suporta metadados Creative Commons, camadas, edição de nó, operações complexas entre caminhos, texto-em-caminho, texto-em-forma, edição direta do XML SVGedição de nó, operações complexas entre caminhos, texto-em-caminho, texto-em-forma, edição direta do XML SVG e extensões que provêem novas funcionalidades. Além do SVG ele é capaz de importar diversos formatos como EPS, PostScript, AI, WMF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, dentre outros, exporta o PNG para uso direto na web e pode salvar em SVG, EPS, PDF, dentre outros.. como EPS, PostScript, AI, WMF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, dentre outros, exporta o PNG para uso direto na web e pode salvar em SVG, EPS,

Página Inicial - Scribus Brasil

Comunidade Scribus Brasil Bem vind@ ao site da comunidade brasileira ressem organizada para troca de conhecimentos sobre Scribus. Scribus é um software para diagramação de páginas ou desktop publishing. Quer saber mais? Tentamos listar documentações úteis. Tente dar uma lida nelas, por mais que você não se sinta atraído por textos do gênero, você terá uma boa idéia do que é possível fazer e no momento da dúvida saberá onde está a resposta. Nossas dicas são textos de membros da comunidade, aproveite e converse com o pessoal pela lista de discussão. Ghostscript: Files

You have selected GPL Ghostscript Please choose the file that best matches your architecture or operating system from the list of releases and files contained in this package.

Frequently Asked Questions - Installation |

When launching, Scribus says it will launch when the x11 application has finished launching. (x11 is installed and my GimpShop app is fine). If I click OK, it whirrs away and then says sh: line 1: /sw/bin/ No such file or directory. Help! Try installing the native Aqua Scribus. * Will Scribus run on Windows 98SE or Windows ME? The current version of Scribus will not run properly on either. The memory managment and graphics code really requires Windows 2000 or newer. * Ghostscript8.53 is installed on my computer but Scribus doesn't detect it. How can I fix it? See: Scribus 1.3 Preferences There are screen shots and instructions at the very bottom of the page for Linux, MacOSX and Windows. This is also included in the help docs installed with Scribus under Scribus 1.3 Setup * Is it necessary to uninstall an older version of scribus completely before installing a newer version ? It is generally not needed. If using the Windows installer - no. On MacOSX, you can drag the old version into the trash. On Linux, if compiled from source and installed into the same directory as the old version, no. You also don't need to remove the old version if you are upgrading Scribus using your distrubution's package manager. * How do I download and install Scribus from source?