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March 2010

September 2009

IMDb :: Boards :: Profile for tadziofilippini

User Profile for tadziofilippini You are now viewing another user's profile page. Below, you can learn basic information about the user, such as their website address or personal biography (if they've chosen to enter either.) You can also see how long the user has been registered with the message boards, the last time they were active, and a log of their most recent posts. Most importantly, this profile page allows you to interact with the user three different ways. By clicking on the links, you may: # Add the user to your ignore list, which makes any post or private message from this user invisible to you. # Add the user to your friends list, which, like an e-mail address book, adds the users name to a special list in your profile that makes sending them private messages quick and easy # Send the user a private message, much like sending them an e-mail message. tadziofilippini User comments Status User Last Active Fri May 2 2008 Registered Thu Feb 9 2006 Ignore postings from tadziofilippini Add tadziofilippini to my friend list Send a private message to tadziofilippini Recent posts by tadziofilippini Message Board Subject When Page 1 Show older posts >

Comments written by tadziofilippini

Comments written by registered user tadziofilippini Send an IMDb private message to this author or view their message board profile. 1 comments in total Index | Alphabetical | Chronological | Useful The Raging Moon (1971) 2 out of 2 people found the following comment useful :- DylanThomas, 29 July 2006 10/10 The key to understand this great movie is the poem by Dylan Thomas: "in my craft or sullen art" "In my craft or sullen art Exercised in the still night When only the moon rages And the lovers lie abed With all their griefs in their arms I labour by singing light Not for ambition or bread Or the strut and trade of charms On the ivory stages But for the common wages Of their most secret heart. Not for the proud man apart From the raging moon I write On these spindrift pages Nor for the towering dead With their nightingales and psalms But for the lovers, their arms Round the griefs of the ages, Who pay no praise or wages Nor heed my craft or art." Two works of art:the film and the poem tadzio filippini

August 2008

June 2008

March 2008

February 2008

December 2007

November 2007

October 2007

June 2007

PCLinuxOS HardWare DataBase

I am taking down the old database soon and I would like the working or non working hardware to be transferred over, but there's a problem. Support for .93a has been dropped and all that hardware hasn't been tested on PCLinuxOS 2007. If you have tested any hardware that's listed on the old database as only working under .93a then please let me know so I can transfer it to the new database. I'm starting this week by focusing on the motherboards that are on the old database. I have created a PDF of the 48 motherboards that are listed on the old database. If you have one of these boards running on 2007 then please let me know and I will transfer that information over. Make sure you also let me know is there were any special steps to get it to work on PCLinuxOS. Thanks PDF Link Last Updated ( Tuesday, 12 June 2007 )

March 2007

January 2007

IMDb user comments for The Raging Moon (1971)

DylanThomas, 29 July 2006 10/10 Author: tadziofilippini from Brazil The key to understand this great movie is the poem by Dylan Thomas: "in my craft or sullen art" "In my craft or sullen art Exercised in the still night When only the moon rages And the lovers lie abed With all their griefs in their arms I labour by singing light Not for ambition or bread Or the strut and trade of charms On the ivory stages But for the common wages Of their most secret heart. Not for the proud man apart From the raging moon I write On these spindrift pages Nor for the towering dead With their nightingales and psalms But for the lovers, their arms Round the griefs of the ages, Who pay no praise or wages Nor heed my craft or art." Two works of art:the film and the poem tadzio filippini