public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "computing cloud" & ubuntu

March 2010

Ubuntu One Music Store, beta pública disponible | Ubunlog

Ubuntu One Music Store, beta pública disponible Lunes, 22nd Marzo 2010 Software Ubuntu Una de las novedades que vendrá en Lucid Lynx, Ubuntu One Music Store ya esta disponible para hacer las primeras pruebas en la beta de Ubuntu 10.04 Lamentablemente no sé que toqué en mi instalación de la beta en VirtualBox y la estropeé :( así que no puedo ofrecerles capturas, en estos momentos me encuentro reinstalando nuevamente la beta así que en cuanto pueda pondré algunas capturas. Les dejo una capturas vistas en el blog

September 2009

Ubuntu Cloud Planet

Ubuntu Cloud Planet Ubuntu Cloud Planet - John M. Willis: My Response to Señor Cloud 09-09-2009 23:01 I received an interesting email tonight. I am sure many of you will receive a similar email from Señor Cloud. Here is my email back to this kind fellow… Señor Cloud, Interesting marketing approach. Next time let me help you write the script and I will help you, how you say, mucho more funnier… Vaya Con Dias Señor Botchagalup’e On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Señor Cloud [email protected] wrote:

Ubuntu Cloud Planet

Ubuntu Cloud Planet The Ubuntu Cloud Planet is a window into the world, work and lives of those that work on making Ubuntu the best cloud platform there is. If you would like your feed to be included on this planet, please make yourself known on the cloud mailing list. Updated on September 10, 2009 07:50 AM, UTC.

Ubuntu Cloud (ubuntucloud) on Twitter

ubuntucloud followingFollowing You follow ubuntucloud ubuntucloud's tweets appear in your timeline. You are now following ubuntucloud. 1. RT @WorksWithU Canonical’s Ubuntu Cloud Strategy !ubuntucloud #cloudcomputing #ubuntu