public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag Shiretoko

September 2009

Firefox Updated

You’re now running Firefox 3.5.2. For security reasons, we recommend downloading the latest and greatest version.

Firefox Updated

You’ve been updated to the latest version of Firefox. Thanks for your time! This update will make you safer on the web. For more details, read the release notes.

July 2009

Firefox Atualizado

Obrigado por instalar a mais rápida, segura e inteligente versão do Firefox até agora. Boa navegação! Para mais detalhes, leia as notas da versão. Fechar Veja só! O Firefox 3.5 é o primeiro navegador a suportar formatos de vídeo abertos, permitindo que vídeos tornem-se parte das páginas dinâmicas atuais sem a necessidade de um plugin. Vá em frente, experimente! Esse vídeo é trazido até você pela Dailymotion, que orgulhosamente oferece suporte ao vídeo aberto. NOTA (MINHA) : AQUI NAVEGO COM O shiretoko ....english ...version 3.5

June 2009

Shiretoko Alpha 1 Release Notes

Downloading and Installing System Requirements Before installing, make sure your computer meets the system requirements. Downloading Shiretoko Alpha 1 provides Shiretoko for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X in a variety of languages. * Windows: Shiretoko Alpha 1 Setup.exe * Mac OS X: Shiretoko Alpha 1.dmg * Linux: shiretoko-alpha1.tar.bz2 For builds for other systems and languages not provided by, see the Contributed Builds section at the end of this document. Installing Shiretoko Once you have downloaded Shiretoko, follow these instructions to install: Windows Double click the Shiretoko Alpha 1 Setup.exe installer to start the install. Mac OS X Double click the Shiretoko Alpha 1.dmg Disk Image to uncompress and mount it. Your browser may have already done this for you. Double click the Shiretoko Disk Image to open it in Finder and drag the Shiretoko application onto your hard disk. Do not double click the icon in the disk image! Be sure to drag the Shiretoko application out of the disk image and onto your Hard Disk before running it. Drag the icon to your Dock if you want it to appear there. Linux/GTK2 Extract the shiretoko-alpha1.tar.bz2 tarball and run ./firefox: tar -jxvf shiretoko-alpha1.tar.bz2 cd firefox ./firefox

Shiretoko Alpha 1 Release Notes

Shiretoko Alpha 1 is an early developer milestone for the next version of Firefox that is being built on top of Mozilla's Gecko 1.9.1 layout engine, Shiretoko Alpha 1 is being made available for testing purposes only, and is intended for web application developers and our testing community. Current users of Mozilla Firefox should not use Shiretoko Alpha 1.

Shiretoko Start Page

Firefox 3.1 is becoming Firefox 3.5! Minefield icon Welcome! You've just downloaded or updated to Shiretoko. Recently, we re-versioned the forthcoming Firefox 3.1 to become Firefox 3.5. This is the first pre-release version using that version number. Specifically, Firefox 3.5b4pre.