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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags Maria & linux

24 August 2007

20 August 2007

16 August 2007

Drivers and Downloads

Lexmark Z600 Printer Driver for LINUX(R) Systems. Contact Technical Support Center for support information on this file. These drivers can be downloaded from this web site free of charge. However, there will be a fee to cover materials and handling if requested from the Technical Support Center Lexmark Z605 Country: United States Language: English Product: Lexmark Z605 Remember My Settings happy owners Download Now (Please allow pop-ups in your browser for this website) CJLZ600LE-CUPS-1.0-1.TAR.gz: Driver for RedHat Linux 9.0

10 August 2007

linux-foundation open printing

by 4 others
We have resources to help with printing under free operating systems like GNU/Linux and the BSDs or under commercial UNIX-like systems such as Solaris and Mac OS X. AQUI rpm OU SEJA PACOTE .rpm SOMENTE???

07 August 2007 Big Solitaires 3D

Collection of 40 Solitaire Games with 3D - OpenGL render. Ports to Win32 (win32 API) and to Linux (GTK , wxWidgets).

18 July 2007

25 June 2007

SuSE Linux 10.0 Live DVD (32bit)

Uma distribuição ideal para jogar. Estabilidade e cuidado bem acabados! Existem duas versões de SuSE Linux: EVAL e OSS. A primeira é baseada em aplicativos propritários equanto a outra se baseia em programas de código abrto. Aqui temos a versão EVAL, com sua modalidade LiveCD otimizada para o uso de KDE (apesar de permitir o uso de Gnome, IceWM, WindowMaker, XFCE...). Aquim podemos encontrar programas como Mozilla Firefox, Gaim, Gimp, o gravador de CD e DVD K3B, o, o cliente de correio eletrônico Thunderbird... Oferece ainda uma enorme quantidade de documentação com cada uma de suas novas versões. Seu cuidadoso aspecto e o suporte multimídia são sufientes para convencer o usuário mais exigente

23 June 2007

linux for kids

LinuxForKids is moving Linux for kids is moving to a new server location. After a very long time of silence, we are reorganizing and will be providing some new content shortly. Please update your bookmark to point to and stay tuned for some exciting development.

17 June 2007

K Desktop Environment

by 17 others
Conquer your Desktop! KDE is a powerful Free Software graphical desktop environment for Linux and Unix workstations. It combines ease of use, contemporary functionality, and outstanding graphical design with the technological superiority of the Unix operating system. More...

01 June 2007


by 7 others
The Open CD is no longer under active development. Technology from the Open CD is currently in use by the following projects: * Ubuntu * Kubuntu * Edubuntu * OpenDisc * Software Feedom Day CD images are available in the archive:

18 May 2007

16 May 2007

15 May 2007

21 Web 2.0 tutorials for The GIMP

by 1 other
Posted in design, graphic, opensource, digg, web 2.0, english, italiano, gimp, tutorial by gigasoft on the April 9th, 2007 I know, I know, these days there’re too much ads on this site because of a bandwidth lack. Infact my current hosting allow me to manage “only” 10Gb per month and only yesterday I spent something like 6 Gb. So please, don’t be sicked for the ads, I need them to enlarge my bandwidth-limit and keep up this site for more than other 6 days GIMP TUTORIALS - TUTORIALS GIMP GIMP TUTORIAL - TUTORIAL GIMP

17 March 2007

05 March 2007


Descrição: O Kurumin é a distribuição Linux desenvolvida pela equipe do Guia do Hardware e colaboradores, que se tornou rapidamente uma das distribuições Linux mais usadas no país. Todos os componentes do sistema são abertos, permitindo que além de usar, você possa redistribuí-lo, ver e modificar os scripts de configuração e desenvolver versões modificadas do sistema. Documentação e Ajuda: Os recursos disponíveis no Kurumin são explicados com detalhes no Livro "Entendendo o Linux, Guia Prático" (disponível em versão impressa) e no livro "Kurumin Desvendando seus segredos" (lançado em 2004, por isso desatualizado em alguns tópicos), que você pode ler aqui:

03 March 2007

02 March 2007


by 33 others
gimp busca googleGIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages. This is the official GIMP web site. It contains information about downloading, installing, using, and enhancing it. This site also serves as a distribution point for the latest releases. We try to provide as much information about the GIMP community and related projects as possible. Hopefully you will find what you need here. Grab a properly chilled beverage and enjoy.

24 February 2007

14 November 2006 Project details for Zimbra Collaboration Suite

About: Zimbra is a server and client technology for next-generation enterprise messaging and collaboration (email, group calendar, contacts, etc). It features a browser-based AJAX client with search, shared calendar, and mail that is integrated with contacts and calendar, and support for Outlook, iCal,, contacts, and offline mode. Administrators benefit from online move, back-up, and recovery of individual or groups of mailboxes, compatibility with existing LDAP directories., native hierarchical storage management and clustering, Web services integration with existing enterprise applications, and integrated anti-spam and anti-virus