public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "8.04 ubuntu" & "ubuntu hardy"

June 2009

October 2008

September 2008

Desenvolvimento do Ubuntu: Cade o novo tema do Hardy ?

Cade o novo tema do Hardy ? Provavelmente muito de vocês já leram a noticia apresentando o novo tema do Ubuntu Hardy Heron, e provavelmente também, devem ter se espantados!

Features | Ubuntu Desktop Edition

Welcome to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition The latest Ubuntu release brings the best of open source together on a platform that is here to stay with 3 years of free updates. With hundreds of improvements and the addition of the latest version of Firefox amongst other outstanding applications, more and more users are assessing why Ubuntu wins more and more converts with every release. This tour will help you discover this for your self.

July 2008