public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sylvainulg with tag linux

August 2007 - Standards/Home

an effort to have a convenient Desktop programming interface in Unix/Linux


One of the most deployed network chip's driver, commented for your pleasure ...

diet libc - a libc optimized for small size

by 1 other
une version light de la libc, pour l'embarqué, les OS débutants, etc.

libslack - A UNIX/C library of general utilities for programmers with Slack

la bibliothèque qu'on oublie trop souvent pour éviter de se prendre la tête sous Linux ?

Upgrade Ubuntu Dapper to Ubuntu Edgy Eft -- Debian Admin

by 1 other (via)
my Breezy Badger is almost obsolete, now ... i'll need to upgrade quite soon :-/

April 2007

[NGL] About

seems like a good library for 3D stuff.

March 2007

February 2007

My Ketchup Is Dead / script

et hop! SSHFS en quatre commandes

January 2007

Cxx in the Linux Kernel

I love guys who dare to do what they're told they shouldn't try to do. Especially when it comes about porting something where it's not supposed to go.

jouons avec les routes

tutoriel intéressant sur les firewalls, le masquerading, et tout ça.

December 2006

Prelinking Guide- Make Ubuntu Feel Faster - Ubuntu Forums

a guide on installing "prelink", a tool for speeding up linux binaries.