public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sylvainulg with tags linux & "operating system"



Gérer les services lancés au démarrage en mode console | Quercy Libre

à creuser ... pour ceux qui se demandent ce qui s'est passé avec leurs S20personalFirewallScript sous ubuntu

NewOrder - news: Abusing .CTORS and .DTORS for fun 'n profit

void foobar_init(void) __attribute__ ((constructor)); void foobar_fini(void) __attribute__ ((destructor));


The Linux BootPrompt-HowTo

sometimes, it's good to have all "boot-time arguments" of the Linux kernel at hand. Here you are

Welcome to the Linux Graphics Driver from Intel site | Graphics

w00t. The 3D chip that comes with programmer's reference manual. I've got to 0wn one :)



One of the most deployed network chip's driver, commented for your pleasure ...

Cxx in the Linux Kernel

I love guys who dare to do what they're told they shouldn't try to do. Especially when it comes about porting something where it's not supposed to go.