public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from svartling

February 2007

PRYLINFO: Swedish Valei Computer MDT-PM388 - Mediaspelare / MediaCenter

Det finns inte lika mycket information om denna spelare, men den har inte heller någon inbyggd 3.5 tums IDE hårddisk så det får man köpa till. Video utgångar som finns är S-Video, Komposit och VGA. Audio utgångarna är Line-out (RCA), Koaxial och Optisk SPDIF.

PRYLINFO: Händerna på H-Spinner från MySpinner

Jag fick hem ett test exemplar av en H-Spinner som jag skrivit om förut. H-Spinner är en smart sladdspole för hörlurssladdar.


Information om saker och prylar.

November 2006

PRYLAR - Händerna på PMC200 från Swedish Valei Computer

Nu har jag äntligen fått tag på ett test exemplar av den utmärkta portabla media spelaren PMC200 från Swedish Valei Computer. PMC200 (Portable Media Center) kom levererad i en rätt enkel förpackning som innehöll själva spelaren, laddare, ett extra batteri förutom det som fanns installerat, fjärrkontroll, hörlurar, cd skiva med USB drivrutiner (Win98) och en hel del sladdar och adaptrar för att kunna koppla in den till både en TV och en dator.

March 2006

Händerna på Jabra BT620s - Bluetooth Headset/Hörlurar

Jag har kommit över ett test exemplar av Jabras kombinerade Bluetooth Headset/Hörlurar - BT620s, som jag skrivit om förut.

Big list of FREE Music Making Software - Part 3

by 1 other
Here is part 3 of the big list of Free Music Making Software. Free Synths, Effects, Filters and other Instruments & Plugins you need in your music production. With Part 1 and Part 2 together with this part - you have a Mega List of 100 Free Music Making Software!

Bilder på kommande produkter från Jabra

Nu har jag äntligen fått tag på bilder på Jabras kommande musik prylar som jag skrev om här. Klicka på "Läs Mer" länken för att se bilderna.

Händerna på Jabra JX10 - Headset

Som jag skrev här, skulle jag få ett exemplar av det exklusiva headsetet hemskickat för testning. Nu har jag fått det och här är en första test.

February 2006

Part two of the BIG list with FREE Music Making Software!

This is part two of the popular list with FREE Music Making Programs. You can see part one here. This part is even bigger than the first! With all this software, everyone on Pc, Mac or Linux can make music with practically no cost at all. Effects, Filters, Trackers, Synthesizers, Sequencers, Instruments, Drum machines and more!

A list with recommended commercial music making software for the serious or professional musician

by 6 others
A list with Interesting & Recommended commercial software to make great music with. Sequencers, Instruments, Filters, Effects, Plugins and more for all you professional or serious musicians out there.

svartling: En guide på svenska om hur man krypterar ett USB minne

Att kryptera sitt USB minne kan vara bra av många orsaker. En orsak kan vara att om man har känslig, personlig information på USB minnet, och råkar tappa bort det så är det inte så kul om den personen som hittar det kan se just den informationen.

January 2006

A big list of FREE music making software!

by 12 others
Here you have a list with the 30 latest FREE Music Making software I've blogged about on Making Music. Free VST's, Plugins, Instruments, Filters, Effects, Trackers, Sequencers & more.

Lavasoft Personal Firewall

Superior security shield from hackers, worms and Trojans. The company that gives you the best spyware removal tool now delivers the Lavasoft Personal Firewall, high-quality standalone firewall protection developed with our trusted technology partners.

December 2005

XviD 1.1.0 final released

XviD is an open source ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec. This is XviD 1.1.0 release. This release is the long awaited 1.1.0. It is mostly API compatible with the previous stable release as we dropped support for reduced resolution coding. If your application didn't use that feature then the upgrade is totally compatible.

Doom9 - Codec shoot out 2005

Doom9 has once again made his big codec comparison guide: "Welcome ladies and gentleman, to the main round of the 2005 codec comparison." "Just like last year, we have a new first timer: XviD AVC. Yes, you read right, the XviD team has whipped up an MPEG-4 AVC encoder which makes its testing debut right here. Because the codec is yet unreleased and still very young, I allowed a late submission, the build I tested only arrived 4Li days after the deadline, a courtesy which will of course only be extended once."

The week in NEWSPAGE 17 Dec 2005

From now on I will try to write a "wrap-up" post weekly with interesting findings and statistics from NEWSPAGE. This is the first. Most popular content for the past week:

NEWSPAGE | - Create your own News Pages

by 4 others
On NEWSPAGE you can create your own News Pages and RSS feeds, or use others already created. Pages and Feeds are created by filtering selected sources with keywords. Be social - comment on other users News Pages! Use the "quick link" feature and bookmark your favorite pages! Read the selected feeds in the built in Feed Aggregator. Read by source, category or like a long list of posts with the latest at the top.

A new website - NEWSPAGE (beta)

I have released a new website that I have been working on called "Newspage". On Newspage you can create "News Pages" (News Radars) by filtering the content with keywords. Every News Page created gets it's own RSS Feed, so you can easily subscribe to all the News Pages you create or find interesting. All the content is aggregated from all kinds of feeds around the web, and categorized by me.

November 2005

Hur kan vi underlätta det ständigt ökande informationsflödet på webben?

Internet utvecklas hela tiden och nya Web 2.0 tjänster dyker upp nästan varje dag. Så hur gör vi för att klara oss i detta enorma informations flöde som bara växer hela tiden? Hur kan vi med egna bloggar och hemsidor hjälpa till?

Netvouz updated 2005-11-21

From Netvouz Blog: “In this release I’ve added just one single feature, but it’s a major feature - the ability to see who else has also bookmarked a link. This makes Netvouz much more social (and fun to use!) than it has been in the past. And we won’t stop there… The social features will soon be enhanced further.

Minimizing Information Overload for my subscribers

I have made a site that filters my own postings from all my sites into categorized Newspages, and every Newspage has it’s own RSS Feed. So for example - If a visitor is interested in “Gadgets”, he or she could subscribe to the Newspage named “Gadgets”. In that way the visitor gets all my postings about “Gadgets” from all my sites in one RSS Feed.

the Directory updated

I have updated my website “the Directory” with some tweaks and sources. “the Directory collects all new articles and news from all my websites, and publish them in one place. All Websites are maintained by Stefan Svartling.”

MyTheatre v3.33

MyTheatre is a multimedia application for end user which allows watch Satellite TV and Radio, playback multimedia files (mpg, mp3, DivX and many others) and DVD. MyTheatre is highly integrated application.

BloxPress - AJAX Wordpress theme released

It’s a totally new type of theme with many interactive options for your visitors and also for you as webmaster. It’s expandable and offers much powerful functions and features never seen before in the WordPress Community. Enable your visitors to recreate their reading experience by customizing your website live with the power of AJAX in the back. Many new built-in plugins with interesting functions included, like “sticky notes”, “global bookmarks” and “off site content aggregation”, to name a few.

ffdshow 20051107 released

FFDSHOW is a filter used with your DVD, Mpeg2, Mpeg1 and most Mpeg4 codec’s. Ffdshow allows you to make changes to the video stream real-time digitally, like sharpening and denoising. It’s sort of like digitally enhancing the video, to perfectly match your system, while playing it back, real time.

svartling's TAGS


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