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PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tag symfony


Symfony UX: JavaScript tools you'll love

JavaScript tools you can't live without.


API Platform: REST and GraphQL framework on top of Symfony and React

API Platform is built on top of battle-tested products. The server skeleton includes the famous Symfony framework and the Doctrine ORM. Our scaffolding tool supports the most popular JavaScript libraries. The development environment and the deployment mechanism leverage Docker, Kubernetes and Helm.


Bolt CMS: Easy for editors, and a developer's dream CMS | Bolt CMS

Bolt is an open source Content Management Tool, which strives to be as simple and straightforward as possible. It is quick to set up, easy to configure, uses elegant templates, and above all: It’s a joy to use.

Sulu - The Symfony content management platform - Sulu CMS

Sulu is a content management platform based on Symfony made for businesses. It’s a flexible CMS to create and manage enterprise multi-sites and a reliable development environment for high-performance apps. With powerful features for developers and a simple UI for editors it’s the ideal engine for state-of-the-art business websites and web-based software.


How to Configure Monolog to Email Errors (The Symfony CookBook)

The mail handler is a fingers_crossed handler which means that it is only triggered when the action level, in this case critical is reached. The critical level is only triggered for 5xx HTTP code errors. If this level is reached once, the fingers_crossed handler will log all messages regardless of their level. The handler setting means that the output is then passed onto the buffered handler.


Fabien Potencier (SensioLabs) : "PHP 7 est à la hauteur de ce que j'attendais" - JDN

Le créateur du framework PHP Symfony est très satisfait des dernières évolutions du langage PHP. Fabien Potencier envisage aussi une levée de fonds aux Etats-Unis.


Roadiz modern CMS — Hit the road

by 2 others
Roadiz is a modern CMS based on a node system which can handle many types of services. Based on Symfony components and Doctrine ORM, it allows you to create your data schema from scratch and to organise your content as you want.


by 1 other
Pagekit is a modular and lightweight CMS built with modern technologies like Symfony components and Doctrine. It provides an awesome platform for theme and extension developers.


Framework symfony, quelle version choisir ? – Clever Age, 100% digital

La question revient régulièrement. Avec Symfony2 qui vient tout juste d’arriver et symfony 1 à qui il reste seulement un an de support officiel, les projets Web qui se montent en cette fin d’année 2011 ne savent pas sur quel pied danser. Voici un point sur la situation d’un des frameworks PHP5 les plus importants.


srcmax's TAGS related to tag symfony

api +   askeet +   boutique +   cms +   doctrine +   ecommerce +   email +   error +   framework +   frontend +   js +   log +   performance +   php +   php 7 +   QR +   sulu +   tools +   wordpress +