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PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags web2.0 & calendar

November 2007


by 1 other
outlook sync for contacts, calendar, pim web based

PocketMod version 0.3 beta

by 22 others
The PocketMod is a small book with guides on each page. These guides or templates, combined with a unique folding style, enable a normal piece of paper to become the ultimate note card. It is hard to describe just how incredibly useful the PocketMod is. I

September 2007

Simple todo list and task manager: Todoist

by 10 others
Todoist features a simple and intuitive interface that helps you get organized without getting in your way. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to achieve blazing efficiency.

October 2006

Welcome to Scrybe

by 4 others
ScrybeTM is a groundbreaking online organizer that caters to today´s lifestyle in a cohesive and intuitive way. Simple solutions for some age old problems.

August 2006

Boxes and Arrows Event Calendar

Boxes and Arrows has launched a brand spanking new events calendar. It’s quite exciting, because there’s a hole in the market for a targeted web-related events calendar. We hope to fill that hole. If you want to stay up-to-date on interesting web-rela

April 2006 - Product Overview

by 4 others
Overview RSSCalendar is an exciting new way for individuals and organizations to share their calendars with family, friends, and co-workers - utilizing the latest in "Really Simple Syndication" (RSS) technology, including RSS channel creation and aggregat


well formatted calendar web based


by 3 others
Rainlendar is a customizable calendar that displays the current month. It is a very lightweight application that doesn't use much system resources or take much space on your desktop.

Hula Project - Hula

by 10 others
Hula is a calendar and mail server whose goal is to be fun and easy to use, while scaling effortlessly from small groups to large organizations with thousands of members. Hula is an open source project led by Novell (


by 1 other
Inspired by ASP.NET’s System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar, this calendar helper allows you to draw a databound calendar with fine-grained CSS formatting without introducing any new requirements for your models, routing schemes, etc.

31 Resources on Best Online Calendars - Listible!

31 resources on Best Online Calendars this list feed Good List? 88 created by Shelley on February 4, 2006 9:13 PM Systems that allow you to keep track of your calendar online, and/or share your calendar w/ others.

★ - Free calendar hosting for web sites

by 2 others
Zipcode Radius (advanced search) With your free calendar calendar, you can : Add a free calendar to your web site Create a Personal or Group web calendar Search for (and announce!) events near you Let visitors create their own calendars

Eventicus - The Free Event Calendar Community

You decide which events will be published. You can watch them, post comments, upload pictures and attent events with your friends.

Chandler, a next-generation Personal Information Manager (PIM) integrating calendar, e-mail, contact management, task management, notes, and instant messaging

by 18 others
Chandler 0.6 delivers an experimentally usable calendar for individuals and small workgroups. It is a test release for collecting feedback based on real usage. In addition to basic calendaring, advanced features include: recurring events; time-zones;

Thomas Hawk's Digital Connection: 30 Boxes, Best... Calender... EVER!

by 2 others
Let the ajaxification of your life continue! Yesterday I had the opportunity to sit down with a group of bloggers and technologists for a discussion about how we use calendaring as well as view a preview of 83 Degree's latest project 30 Boxes (you can't g

Jeff Clavier's Software Only: 30Boxes as an identity-based aggregator ?

Narendra Rocherolle was good enough to brief me a couple of weeks ago on the upcoming beta release of 30Boxes (as in – the UI has 30 boxes/dates), the calendaring application developed by 83Degrees – the new startup of the founders of Webshots.

Joel on Software

by 4 others
I tried out Trumba, Kiko, 30 Boxes, Yahoo! Calendar, and Spongecell. I couldn't recommend any of them.

30 Boxes API

by 2 others
The 30 Boxes API is open for non-commercial application development. Remember we are still in beta; we will change, update, and add methods as we recieve your feedback! More to come soon...