public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags code & "springnet blogmarks"

May 2008

NETTUTS - Web development tutorials and links - Spoonfed Web Tutorials

by 3 others
NETTUTS is a blog/tutorial site aimed at web designers. We run tutorials on technologies, skills and techniques to improve how you design and build websites. We cover HTML, CSS, Javascript, CMS’s, Simpler Development Examples in PHP and Ruby on Rails, a

Insoshi: open-source social networking platform in Ruby on Rails

Insoshi is a product and a project. The product aims to be the best open-source social networking platform. The project is to make the product!

Ayman Hourieh's Blog

thoughts on Open Source software, Computer Science, and various bits from my life and the web.

February 2008

January 2008

Google Labs

by 56 others
Google labs showcases a few of our favorite ideas that aren't quite ready for prime time. Your feedback can help us improve them. Please play with these prototypes and send your comments directly to the Googlers who developed them.

December 2007

Revolution WordPress Theme

by 1 other
Welcome to the official Revolution WordPress theme website. If you are wanting to take your blog to a higher level, you are definitely in the right place.

Secrets of Self Taught Web Developers -

by 1 other
Secrets of Self Taught Web Developers: 115 Resources to Help You Develop on the Web

July 2007

W3Schools Online Web Tutorials

by 46 others
What does a Web developer have to know? W3Schools will answer this, and help you become a professional Web developer, well prepared for the future.

June 2007

PHP MySQL WizzyWeb

WizzyWeb is a Web-based rapid application development (RAD) tool for creating PHP Web database applications for all popular databases, (e.g., MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, IBM, etc.)

wmd - The Wysiwym Markdown Editor

by 5 others
We think it's better. WMD is a Wysiwym Markdown editor. * Wysiwym stands for What You See Is What You Mean. WMD produces clean semantic HTML, leaving presentation details like fonts and colors up to style sheets.