public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sebastien with tag email

02 March 2007

31 January 2007

POMPAGE - Emails HTML - Dompter la bête

by 27 others
L'email HTML, on aime ou on déteste. Certains aiment la simplicité des emails en texte brut, tandis que d'autres louent la flexibilité et la beauté de l'HTML. Mais en fait il importe peu que vous aimiez ou détestuez les emails HTML parce que, tôt ou tard, un client va vous demander de concevoir, pour ses propres clients, l'un de ces jolis petits trucs qu'on envoie par email, et là que ferez-vous ?

22 January 2007

Email Address Encoder

by 8 others
This form will allow you to encode your e-mail address through the use of Character Entities, transforming your ascii email address into its equivalent decimal entity. Simply enter your regular e-mail address in the first text box, click the encode button, and then highlight and copy the resulting code produced in the second text box. This encoded e-mail address can be read and translated back into its original ascii text by almost any web browser without any further action on your part. Just replace all instances of your e-mail address on your pages with the code, and you won't have to worry about spam lists.

sebastien's TAGS related to tag email

css +   encodage +   html +   internet +   sécurité +   spam +   web +