public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sebastien with tag cms

March 2008

November 2007

June 2007

May 2007

April 2007

NCDAE - CMS and Accessibility

Almost every large organization, educational and otherwise, uses some sort of Content Management System (CMS). A CMS is a tool or set of tools designed to help create, edit, organize and present information on the web. There are dozens of Content Management Systems available, and while each has its differences, there are some general principles that can usually be applied to increase CMS accessibility.

Content Management Systems Can Improve Accessibility -- CMS Watch

Creating web sites accessible to those with disabilities can prove challenging for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the diversity of potential disabilities among your visitorship, as well as the spectrum of issues within any single impairment category. For the purposes of this article, I'll focus on publishing for the sight impaired, merely as an example of the greater challenge as a whole.

CMS gestion de contenu multimedia site internet : nextCMS normes w3c, accessibilité

Entièrement compatible avec les normes internationales W3C / WAI Respectueux de la loi du 11 février 2005 sur l’accessibilité next-CMS est le premier outil de gestion de contenu développé en XUL à vous garantir de tels niveaux de performances !

March 2007

Choosing an Accessible CMS

by 1 other
How do you go about choosing an accessible content management system (CMS)? What are the main criteria for success? And how to ensure ease of use for authors including screen reader users? The Centre for Inclusive Technology (CFIT), which is based in the headquarters of the National Council for the Blind of Ireland (NCBI), looked at several popular CMSs in order to assess which would be most suitable. Our approach was to look at how these CMSs work out of the box and no complex heuristics were applied in order to simulate how many other users would approach the adoption of a CMS in the real world. The assessment method was an intuitive approach with some basic core tasks such as adding content and administration. Expert Screen Reader Evaluation by Paul Traynor CFIT.

February 2007

by 9 others
Basé sur le logiciel libre Spip, Agora est une plateforme libre de gestion de contenus Web développée en php, qui permet de mettre en place et de gérer rapidement et à moindre coût des sites internet, intranet ou extranet.