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The Suffering Bastard -- The Cocktail Spirit with Robert Hess -- Small Screen Network

The original name for this drink was apparently the Suffering Bar Steward, but as one might expect in a noisy bar after a few drinks, the name gets a little mangled. There are several recipes for this floating about. For mine I turned to one of my favorite sources, Beachbum Berrry's Grog Log, by Jeff Berry.



by 9 others
Video mail : Share, exchange, communicate your emotions with video !

Dans la publicité...

by 4 others
quand on mange des yaourts on pousse des ptits cris...ha ou ha einh.... et on ne montre pas de vieux.. mais des seniors... c'est pas pareil !

Mr. Hyde fabricant de films courts

by 2 others
Mr. Hyde est une maison de production qui présente, comme une galerie, des travaux filmiques de réalisateurs issus pour la plupart du court métrage. Crée à l'initiative d'Hervé Lopez, ex créatif de BDDP/TBWA Paris, Mr. Hyde a pour objectif d'apporter aux créatifs, agences et annonceurs, des solutions créatives et économiques pour produire des films de publicité mais aussi des clips et des formats courts.

Sony BRAVIA - The Advert by Jonathan Glazer

by 6 others
Our latest TV ad - featuring massive paint explosions - took 10 days and 250 people to film. Huge quantities of paint were needed to accomplish this, which had to be delivered in 1 tonne trucks and mixed on-site by 20 people.

Adicolor - pink

Adicolor - “adidas creates a film series celebrating color, customization and personal expression. The seven directors are Roman Coppola & Andy Bruntel, Neill Blomkamp, PSYOP, TRONIC, Saiman Chow, Charlie White, and HAPPY.”


by 2 others
International advertising awards : the finest TV ads selection. Hundreds of creative and funny commercials. is a website presenting the finest TV ads worldwide.

Flashtalking ::: Online Video Adverts

Why do advertisers choose Flashtalking for online vide ? The simplest solutions are usually the best. With online video advertising this is certainly true.


by 6 others
Feel the difference / taste the difference & see the difference : Get Firefox !