public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags usability & accessibility

September 2006

Mason’s Blog » Flash Accessibility

I found an exciting new accessibility technique for Flash that allows text resizing in a browser. This previous limitation in Flash has bothered me for quite some time and I’m thrilled that there is now a known work-around. How this works is using a JavaScript function that detects text resizing.

July 2006

Centre Pompidou public handicapé

by 4 others
Le nouveau site du Centre Pompidou pour les publics handicapés. Bravo à Marie Destandau (conception, suivi de projet et développement flash), Emilie Sidoli (direction artistique), Laurence Borne (intégration, assistance suivi de projet) et Julie Landry (développement php) et au Centre Pompidou pour sa politique d'accessibilité.

August 2005


Vischeck's color vision model allows you to simulate how the world looks to people with various sorts of color deficiency. As you can see from these examples, 'color blindness' is really a misnomer- most 'color blind' people do in fact see colors!