public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag photography

January 2014

Vivian Maier Photographer | Official website of Vivian Maier | Vivian Maier Portfolios, Prints, Exhibitions, Books and documentary film

by 1 other
Piecing together Vivian Maier’s life can easily evoke Churchill’s famous quote about the vast land of Tsars and commissars that lay to the east. A person who fit the stereotypical European sensibilities of an independent liberated woman, accent and all, yet born in New York City.

Hand coloured photographs of 19th century Japan | The Public Domain Review

A selection from a series of 42 hand coloured albumine prints – a process which used the albumen found in egg whites to bind the photographic chemicals to the paper – taken around 1880. The presence of the pictures in the Dutch National Archieff reflects a long relationship between Japan and the Netherlands, the result of an exclusive commercial relationship that would last for more than two centuries (1641-1855).

Portfolio: HIroshi Sugimoto - Movie Theatres

Throughout the mid to late 1970s and upwards, Hiroshi Sugimoto packed up a folding 4x5 camera & tripod, surreptitiously entered matinees (and, one can only presume, evening film events) and documented the interior of movie theatres across the United States - invoking a classic procedure borrowed from Conceptual Art. He would open the shutter just before the 'first light' hit the screen and close it after the credits finished rolling and before the house lights came on. Using this method he was able to invert the subject/object relationship of the movie theatre and use the film itself to illuminate the proscenium and interior. However - it's MORE than that, isn't it? There is also a social and political critique implicit to the gesture. The rendering of a 'blank' movie screen carries with it a whole series of alternate implications that are highly relevant to a culture of consumption.  The unavoidable allusions of mass social programming and lack of content are implicit in the act. This content, largely unaddressed crtiically, is what lends the images their incredible power - along wtih the natural fascination of being made privy to the photography's divine birthright - allowing us to see the normall invisible - to experience a finite collapse of time.   -JWD

December 2013

Autopsie - Bruno Mouron | Éditions de La Martinière

Dans un article du Monde, un professeur d’université en sociologie a exposé son étude consacrée à l’analyse des poubelles pour appréhender la consommation et les comportements sociaux. Bruno Mouron et Pascal Rostain, paparazzi de profession, ont décidé de « faire les poubelles » de leurs clients habituels, les célébrités. Et ce qui fut au départ un gag de presse est vite devenu une réflexion plastique.

MARJO | Chill photographie

CHILL | FRENCH INDIE PHOTOGRAPHER Attracted by candid & intimate situations, spontaneous & natural moments. I’m always interested in taking pictures of new people, so if you like my work and want to talk about working together, feel free to send me an email. Thanks !

- Stephanie GENGOTTI - Agence photographique MYOP

First the bodies, the flesh, the humours. Then the track, the sign, the imprint. Después, in Spanish, means after. These portraits start from a very precise instant of time and from a defined place: the protagonists are couples right after sex and the room as a witness. The fulcrum of the work is not sharing intercourse, nor a morbid curiosity about the life of the subjects, but the search for the track, the one capable of telling about intimacy, through a glance or a gesture. “How many couples in this very moment are about to have orgasm?”, wonders the young protagonist of the fortunate film Amélie. This question introduces an amusing, frenetic sequence in which fifteen couples reach the height of pleasure. The people are different by age, race and sexual preferences. They represent a variegated humanity, like that portrayed in this project. Young, old, homosexual, no form of judgement or prejudice finds space, because there is no right or wrong way to experience one’s own sexuality, nor is there an opportune or inopportune way of feeling inside oneself a moment as important as orgasm. That moment when one is completely detached from the world and from its rules to let emotions run free.

world religious leaders | NOOR

World religious leaders gathered in Rome, Italy, to take part to the 27th inter-religious peace summit hosted by the Community of Sant’Egidio, an Italian based Catholic lay association with a network of members spreading over 60 countries.

Fashion or Porn? - THE GAME

Can you distinguish fashion from pornography?

Nude Photography by Simon Bolz

I shoot nude photo series for magazines and capture only what's necessary not to overstimulate you.


1 comment
A cinq ans, mon père m’a offert un appareil photo. Mon amie Anna est la première personne que j’ai prise en photo. Je ne savais pas comment la faire poser. Je lui ai juste demandé d’enlever sa robe. Elle l’a gardé à la main pour ne pas la salir. Depuis, j’ai toujours un appareil dans mon sac. J’essaie de ne pas bousculer l’intimité des gens que je photographie. La confiance qu’ils placent en moi est essentielle.

Narrative - automatic lifelogging camera

by 1 other (via)
A tiny, automatic camera and app that gives you a searchable and shareable photographic memory.


In the Bering Strait and the Sonoran Desert, the Tasmanian wilderness and Antarctica, Trost sliders have provided precise camera movement in the most demanding shooting conditions anywhere. Their unique design makes entirely new categories of shots possible for small teams for the first time. We believe that Trost is the best camera motion system available, and we hope that we can convince you of this, too.

October 2013

Tristan da Cunha | Jon Tonks

THE LIFEBOATSThese lifeboats were washed-up one night following a heavy storm. They are said to be from an oil rig that crashed into the island in 2006 after breaking loose from a vessel towing it across the Atlantic. The oil rig was then dragged out to sea, scuttled and sank to a depth of 3500 metres. Some of the debris washed ashore.

August 2013

4 | Echograph App Lets Pros Make Art With Animated GIFs | Co.Design: business + innovation + design

A little over a year ago, Kevin Burg and Jamie Beck mashed up fine-art photography with animated GIFs, and the "cinemagraph" was born. Since then, a cottage app-industry has sprung up around this ingenious digital art form, offering everyday folks easy tools for creating artsy animated GIFs of their own. Now a new iPad-only app called Echograph is targeting professional and "prosumer" imagemakers who want to get into the cinemagraph-making game.

MACK - Martin Kollar - Field Trip

Between November 2009 and January 2011, Slovakian photographer Martin Kollar spent extended periods of time working and living in Israel, building a photographic dossier on one of the most contentious geographical zones of modern history. Kollar’s past, a childhood spent behind the Iron Curtain, echoed unexpectedly during his time in Israel. The delineated territories of today’s Israel mirror the partition walls of Communist Czechoslovakia during ‘normalisation’. Random police searches and detentions piqued Kollar’s sense of constantly being under surveillance and the subject of suspicion.

June 2013

alberto maserin | Et Nunc

(2010 - in progress ) Et Nunc is based on my childhood experience of perceiving priests as having two different identities, one before and one during Mass itself. The sacred vestments of the Catholic religion have the ability to transform the priest into an embodiment of divine power. My work uses documentary photographic portraiture to examine this transformation.

Signatures, maison de photographes : Books Photographes - Johann Rousselot

Né en 1971 à Bruxelles, où il étudie la photographie au 75 (Ecole supérieure des arts de l’image) de 1992 à 1995. Après quelques années d’assistanat photo, il réalise "Balkans, la Bête et les Belles" entre 2000 et 2002, récompensé par le Prix Kodak de la Critique Photographique en 2003. Il devient membre de l’Oeil Public en 2001, jusqu’à sa fermeture en 2010. Il travaille sur les chrétiens évangéliques de 2005 à 2006, grâce à une bourse 3PPP. Il a abondamment photographié l’ Inde de 2003 jusqu’à ce jour, en réalisant notamment les séries "India Shining India Crying" et "Nuit Indienne", plusieurs fois exposées, et pour lesquelles il a obtenu une bourse de la Délégation aux Arts Plastiques du Ministère de la Culture, et dont certaines images sont entrées dans la collection du FNAC (Fond National d’Art Contemporain). Basé en Inde à deux reprises (2006-2007 et 2008-2009), il est aujourd’hui à nouveau basé à Paris. Il rejoint la maison de photographes Signatures en 2010.

A kiss in Paris #1 | alike

Voici le premier élément d’une série sur le thème du couple et de l’intimité. Il s’agit de rompre avec le cadre imposé par la photographie et ainsi remettre en cause la position traditionnelement passive du spectateur. L’oeuvre bouscule sa position confortable de voyeur : elle permet de tourner à 180° dans la scène, lui laissant croire qu’il la possède en tant qu’objet. Pourtant, le regard persistant de la femme indique que cette tentative voyeuriste a échoué. Par ailleurs, cette première œuvre illustre les potentialités artistiques de la photographie interactive et du screenart notamment sa capacité à interpeller le spectateur et son mode de narration renouvelé.

Alix Smith

STATES OF UNION is comprised of a series of color portrait photographs of same-sex families. “Family” in STATES OF UNION, may be as few as two individuals who are in a committed relationship and live as a social unit. These units may include pets and may have biological, fostered, or adopted children.

Les 1.000 histoires du «Jeu des 1.000 euros» de France Inter -

Le nec plus hype de la technologie du Web s’attaque à la plus vieille des émissions radio. Upian, société en pointe dans la production de Web documentaires a coproduit avec Radio France un Webdoc sur «Le jeu des 1.000 euros» de France Inter intitulé «Le jeu des 1.000 histoires».  Pendant plusieurs semaines, le photojournaliste Philippe Brault a sillonné les routes avec le présentateur Nicolas Stoufflet et son acolyte Yann Pailleret (celui qui tape depuis vingt-trois ans sur un métallophone pour faire résonner les célèbres dong).