public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags lang:en & écologie

03 October 2005

BoKlok made in Ikea

by 1 other
Check out Ikea's entry into the building world with their affordable, prefab BoKlok homes (which roughly translated means smart living). BoKlok homes are hugely successful in Scandinavia and are lauded for their flexible open-plan layout, high ceilings and large windows.

27 September 2005


by 1 other
The Windsave® product has been created to provide an environmentally-friendly, low-cost source of sustainable energy, providing an opportunity for every property in Britain to play a part in "the Green Revolution". Many people have the desire to protect the environment, but our challenge has been to turn that desire into action. By developing micro-wind generation technology, our towns, cities and rural communities now have the potential to become important contributors to the country's overall energy requirements, rather than just mere consumers.

Green Roofs for Healthy Cities

Green Roofs for Healthy Cities’ mission is to increase the awareness of the economic, social, and environmental benefits of green roof infrastructure across North America and rapidly advance the development of the market for green roof products and services.


online archive of environment related press releases, announcements, news articles, and essays - discussion and article posting allowed with only one selection criteria : keep positive, no more sad news, good things are happening all over the world. more…

Onya Bags

We do go on about plastic grocery bags and what a blight they are. Yet how often are we shopping and realize that we did not bring our box/canvas carrier/reuseable bag and guiltily take one or two for our groceries. Onya has a clever solution to the problem: Its bag comes with a pouch and becomes your key chain, so you always have it with you.

22 September 2005

Wind & Solar Energy Installation guides

Installing clean energy requires a general understanding of the equipment, costs, and approvals required for each clean energy technology. Here we provide a variety of guides from the Trust and our affiliates to help you decide whether and how to install solar and wind, navigate approvals and interconnection processes, and purchase green electricity.

Wind Power

Wind power can be an excellent complement to a solar power system. Here in Colorado, when the sun isn't shining, the wind is usually blowing. Wind power is especially helpful here in the winter to capture both the ferocious and gentle mountain winds during the times of least sunlight and highest power use. In most locations (including here) wind is not suitable as the ONLY source of power--it simply fills in the gaps left by solar power quite nicely.

Solar power basics for beginners

Learn the essential basics of using solar power so you can understand your project. Planning your project begins with understanding the basics found in this section.


Inhabitat is your online source to innovations in technology, design practices and materials that will push architecture and interior design towards a smarter and more sustainable future

21 September 2005

Eco-Friendly in the Kitchen

Since the layout of our small kitchen was dreadful, we decided to start from scratch and create a new, environmentally friendly room.


by 3 others
Energy Star is a government-backed program helping businesses and individuals protect the environment through superior energy efficiency

20 September 2005

The Turtle Press Online Store

by 1 other
Nice sketch books and journals made from 100% recycled paper

18 September 2005

by 1 other
The ethiscore website is designed to help users quickly and easily identify the best products to support and the worst companies to avoid.

12 September 2005

Zoka Zola

by 1 other (via)
Our aim is to construct an urban single-family house that is ecological, socially regenerative and self-sustaining. We will only use energy generated on site. We would like this building to be an inspiration to other homeowners and developers in urban environments.

Kids' "Create your future"

This website is created by Japan for Sustainability, a japanese non-govermental organization that transmits information on the environment to more than 170 countries worldwide. Through this site, we aim to encourgae children all over the world to take an interest in environmental issues, think about what they can do to help, and put their ideas into action.

02 September 2005

livework :: service innovation & design

Design of experiences that reach people through many different touch-points, and that happen over time.

26 August 2005

Build your own rain barrel

A rain barrel is a container that collects rain waters from rooftops

MetaEfficient: A guide to the most efficient things in the world

by 1 other
We provide a guide to effective heating, cooling, electricity, drinking water production, and other essential topics. We look across cultures and see what people have done throughout history to fulfill their basic needs. Sometimes our recommendations will seem radical but are usually based on time tested techniques that have simply been forgotten or overlooked.

DEMOCKRATEES // making revolution affordable

by 8 others

The Million Solar Roofs Initiative

The State of California is embarking on an ambitious plan to install 3,000 Megawatts of solar electric power on roofs throughout the state by the end of 2016.

25 August 2005

European manufacturers of small wind generators

a 42 manufacturers list provide by EWEA, The european Wind Energy Association

24 August 2005

ekobo : ecology and design

by 5 others
Ekobo est une entreprise éco-citoyenne qui conçoit des objets contemporains fabriqués à la main, à partir d’une ressource naturelle renouvelable: le bambou.

23 August 2005


by 1 other
Composting Toilets & Ecosmith our new environment-friendly products area Right now we are offering push lawn mowers, backyard composters and solar kits. We hope to have many more items soon!