public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags lang:en & recettes

September 2008

The Bar Mix Master Has Spoken...

This space is devoted to the art of cocktails, cocktail education, and the rebirth of classic cocktails.

December 2006

The Secret of Great Bread: Let Time Do the Work - New York Times

INNOVATIONS in bread baking are rare. In fact, the 6,000-year-old process hasn’t changed much since Pasteur made the commercial production of standardized yeast possible in 1859. The introduction of the gas stove, the electric mixer and the food processor made the process easier, faster and more reliable.

January 2006

Martha Stewart Living

cooking / entertaining / gardening / crafts / holidays / decorating / homekeeping

December 2005

Subtraction: The Funniest Grid You Ever Saw

An in-depth look at the complicated layout grid behind The Onion.

Five simple steps to designing grid systems - Part 4 : Journal : Mark Boulton | Information design

by 2 others
Layout seems to be a hot topic at the moment, mostly prompted by the ALA redesign and the numerous discussions of the choice by Jason and the ALA team to go 1024 for a fixed width. I'm not going to go into my thoughts on ALA in too much depth here, there's been a lot of that already, but it seems like the right time to get this article out.