public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag ipad

April 2013

The Silent History

by 1 other
a new kind of novel

viso3D - your iPad SketchUp Viewer

Export your SketchUp model to view on your iPad using Viso3D's SketchUp plug-in. Add a lightmap while exporting to simulate SketchUp sunlight and shadows and indirect light. View, navigate and explore your 3D SketchUp creation on an iPad. Download the Viso iPad viewer app from the iTunes app store for free.

March 2013

Old Japanese Photographs | MAPP

If you are interested in the field of Japanese photographs as a collector, researcher, dealer, curator or auction house then this book is, quite simply, indispensable. The author has written on and researched the subject for many years and has brought together in one volume the results of exciting new research and also data which has been gathered from long-forgotten and largely inaccessible nineteenth-century sources. Souvenir photographs of Japan, mostly hand-coloured, are extremely collectible today. However, it is usually very difficult to identify the photographer or studio from where they originated. Provided here is a list of more than 4000 such photographs which greatly assists the identification process. Finally, a unique index of over 350 photographers and publishers of Japan-related stereoviews is also included.

February 2013

Des applications et des services pour marier télé et tablette

La création du département "Nouvelles écritures" au sein du groupe public en août 2011 a clairement imprimé le rythme aux équipes de production. Des pages Facebook dédiées aux émissions, en passant par des applications tablettes et smartphones d'information en temps réel (FTV Info) ou de télévision de rattrapage (Francetv Pluzz), avec guide TV, direct et personnalisation, tous les secteurs sont abordés. France 5, quelques mois après le lancement de son application Zouzous destinée aux enfants, va bientôt proposer un nouveau service sur iPad rattaché à l'émission "C à vous", afin de mixer social TV et télé connectée, de façon immersive et synchronisée (par marquage sonore) en direct avec l'émission diffusée à l'antenne. Les espaces cuisine, séjour ou salle à manger du loft d'Allessandra Sublet permettront de retrouver les éléments diffusés et d'interagir avec les chroniqueurs et les invités.

« Devant ma TV » : on a testé l'expérience second écran de M6 - Page 1 - PC INpact

Depuis quelques mois, les chaînes de TV ont décidé de se lancer dans les expériences de second écran. Un concept que nous avions approché lors de l'arrivée des nouvelles chaînes de la TNT, mais qui se renforce avec des applications de plus en plus complètes. Désormais, vous pouvez regarder, commenter mais aussi interagir avec le programme. Une belle promesse qui pourrait cacher des choses intéressantes... ou pas. Nous avons décidé de faire le point en commençant par « Devant ma TV » de M6, exploité pendant l'émission « J'ai décidé d'être heureux ».

Professeur Cyclope - Magazine de bandes dessinées et de fictions numériques | Echappées culturelles | fr - ARTE

A l'origine de Professeur Cyclope, un collectif d'auteurs qui cherche à retrouver le goût et l'esprit des anciens magazines de BD. Aujourd’hui que la presse se porte mal, ceux-ci ont peu à peu disparu et laissé un vide. Professeur Cyclope veut être au numérique ce que ces magazines étaient à la presse. Avec le support tablette et smartphone, Professeur Cyclope s'offre un terrain de jeu inédit et enthousiasmant pour ses auteurs.

La BD numérique profite d’Angoulême pour se lancer - Livres - Télé

Comment adapter la bande dessinée aux tablettes et autres nouveaux supports ? Eléments de réponse avec le scénariste Fabien Vehlmann, qui, avec quelques autres auteurs, montent la nouvelle revue “Professeur Cyclope” dont on parlera beaucoup au festival d'Angoulême 2013.

January 2013

11-18-10iPad.jpg (1273×2188)

Because the primary input method of the iPad is a single piece of multitouch glass, developers have incredible flexibility to design unique user interfaces. It’s hard to appreciate the variety of UIs though, since turning the screen off removes virtually all evidence of them. To spotlight these differences, I looked at the only fragments that remain from using an app: fingerprints.

The World’s Most Amazing Animals in One App | Pages | WWF

by 1 other
Experience the world’s most amazing animals in one app — together. This interactive experience brings you closer to the stories of elephants, whales, rhinos and other fascinating species. Discover their lives and the work of WWF in a way you’ve never seen before. Try out “tiger vision,” stay as still as the polar bear during a hunt, and chop the panda’s bamboo. New species stories — which you can fold and share with the world — are added regularly.

Source Book App | Restoration Hardware


Edgar Allan Poe for iOS - iPoe Collection Volume 2

iPoe Collection - Illustrated & Interactive Edgar Allan Poe


by 1 other
Tapestry is a portable collection of beautifully designed, short, tappable stories. The stories are presented inside an iPhone and iPad app — in a simple, clean, distraction free reading environment.

About SyncNow | Civolution SyncNow

Civolution’s SyncNow product offering provides a robust and cost efficient content identification platform which can power a wide range of TV companion services. These applications can include advertisement placement and replacement, live voting, polling, social media opt-ins, content-related (clickable) overlays, etc. SyncNow can use fingerprinting and watermarking technologies for accurate and rapid synchronization of interactive content. SyncNow reference fingerprint databases includ

Upgrade Soul for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch - Opertoon

A digital graphic novel that immerses you in the story like never before. Upgrade Soul is an immersive science fiction graphic novel built using a new engine for digital comics that complements the reading experience with fluid navigation, interactive 3D, and dynamic music. Panels slide and reshape effortlessly as you swipe your way through the story—while the quirky, rich, and dynamic musical score follows every gesture you make. Written and illustrated by Ezra Claytan Daniels, with an original soundtrack by Alexis Gideon, developed by Erik Loyer. “…Upgrade Soul will upgrade your expectations of the graphic novel form” —AppAdvice

Upgrade Soul Production Blog

UPGRADE SOUL is a groundbreaking new immersive science fiction graphic novel for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch written and illustrated by Ezra Claytan Daniels. Original soundtrack by Alexis Gideon. Interactive design by Erik Loyer. Coming in October 2012 from Opertoon.

Une appli "C à Vous" pour iPad, synchronisée par le son de la TV

France Télévisions innove dans le domaine de la télévision connectée. France 5 annonce le lancement d'une application pour iPad dédiée à son émission phare C à Vous, qui présente la particularité d'adapter le contenu à ce qui se passe en temps réel sur l'écran du téléviseur. Y compris lorsque le spectateur utilise le service de catch-up TV de son fournisseur d'accès à internet pour revoir une émission diffusée il y a déjà plusieurs jours.

December 2012

125 Magazine for iPad on the iTunes App Store

125 is a magazine for people who love photography, design, fashion, art and visual culture presented in a grownup package that will entertain, enlighten and provoke debate.

Poly™ for iPad on the iTunes App Store

This project is inspired by the Triangulation invented by the mathematician Boris Delaunay in 1934. While the process behind is complicated, the result reduce an image to its essentials, creating the illusions of triangles, prisms and pyramids.

November 2012



Inquire | The magazine of inquisitive journalism & intelligent photography.

by 1 other (via)
Inquire – previously named Auto de Fe – is a cross-platform magazine of inquisitive journalism and intelligent photography. We publish investigative reporting, compelling reportage, multimedia, interviews, profiles and in-depth photojournalism from around the world.

ExtraBold. | More than a book | Serial Cut™

by 1 other (via)
“ExtraBold.” is the compendium of all the imagery of Serial Cut™, the Spanish design studio established in 1999, which focuses on art direction for international projects. The 320-pages book is printed on different kinds of papers, showcasing more than 150 projects from the early years till up to the present time. It contains AUGMENTED REALITY technology, giving you access to extra VIRTUAL & MEDIA CONTENT through a FREE APP for iPhone and iPad. The studio invited their 9 FAVOURITE INTERNATIONAL DESIGNERS to make an original piece, making then they made a REMIX in their own style, an open interpretation of the Serial Cut™ world. Learn more about the yummy great CONTENT of the book here:

Game Dev Story for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

Manage your own game company and try to create a million-selling game in this unique simulation. Features the ability to develop your company's own game console, plus a system for changing your staff members'

les éditions volumiques

Les éditions volumiques is a publishing house focusing on the paper book as a new computer platform, as well as a research lab on book, (computational) paper, reading, games and toys and their relation to new technologies.