public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag illustration

February 2009

A complete Hokusai Book, Hokusai Manga Vol 12 in Touch & Turn format

Volume 12 (1834) brought by A.E. Nordenskild - Royal Library in Stockholm

January 2009

December 2008

Album of World Champions : un album sur Flickr

Allen & Ginter Album of Worlds Champions Published by W. Duke Sons & Co. circa 1888-1900

Animate : un album sur Flickr

Pictures and drawings of real people.

Téléchargement de photo Flickr : Steamship "California"

Description: This is an illustration of steamship "California" at sea (1848 1894). Only a few passengers were on board when the ship left New York on October 6, 1848. By the time the ship reached its stop on the Panama's Pacific coast, word had spread of the great new find of gold in California. Over 700 people tried to get passage on the ship in that harbor. The Pacific Mail agent managed to cram 365 people aboard the ship before it set sail for California. The ship and passengers reached San Francisco on February 28, 1949, where all but one member of the crew deserted the ship for the goldfields. The ship was lost in a wreck off the Peruvian coast in 1894.

中原淳一 Junichi Nakahara  : un album sur Flickr

中原淳一 Junichi Nakahara (1913 - 1988), Kawaga Prefecture Junichi Nakahara was one of the top leaders in fashion illustration during the first half of the 1900's and his artwork of wide eyed women is often referred to as the forerunner of manga. Junichi illustrated not only women in kimono, with an obvious Taisho / Art Deco feel to them, he also did many illustrations of stylishly dressed women in yofuku (Western clothing). I personally find his colourful and dynamic kimono styling to be a major inspiration to my own kimono closet and style, and never grow tired of looking at his illustrations. I hope that by sharing postcard scans, they will be of inspiration to others also.

October 2008


by 1 other
Illustrated journey of thought and discovery reaches its metaphorical end as we arrive at the top of the beanstalk, or rather bean sprout.

May 2008

La Maison de Liouba

by 1 other
Liouba est une petite pépinière familiale qui puise ses sources d'un atelier de tailleurs immigrés d'Europe de l'Est où des tas d'histoires et contes absurdes y ont posé leur valise. Bercée depuis mon enfance par les contes fafelus de Kamenielspodolsk, j'ai voulu raconter ce petit monde tendre et curieux en le faisant vivre dans l'univers textile des chambres d'enfants. Tous les motifs sont réalisés à la main en sérigraphie artisanale dans un atelier parisien. C'est en décembre 2004 que Liouba est sortie de son atelier pour faire ses premiers pas en attendant de grandir tout doucement.

April 2008

February 2008

January 2008

Polymeri Online - Iris Mishly Polymer Clay Blog: Polymeri Online 3.1.08

This week it's flickrmania again, An International round this time, so many talented artists i found! lapatamodeleuse / Joséphine BROTHIER Cuties! don't miss her Circus!

Upian vous souhaite une belle et heureuse année 2008

by 2 others
Upian fête ses 10 ans cette année. Et vous entraîne dans un voyage poétique au pays des kokeshis, les poupées traditionnelles japonaises. Illustrée en volume par lapatamodeleuse, cette petite danse raconte avec délicatesse la métamorphose des capucines de la graine à la fleur. Animation Jérôme Gonçalvez, musique Greg Corsaro. Très belle année à tous !

comics212 - never safe for work. » Blog Archive » Japan 2007: How to draw manga with Osamu Tezuka

So the last entry had my visit to the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum in Takarazuka, Japan. One of the coolest features of the museum is one that I didn’t show you: Little How-to-draw and how-to-create-characters instructional illustrations by Tezuka that were set into the floor. Although it’s probably an exercise for the kids or something, I still thought it would be cool to show you the illustrations, and hopefully you find them interesting (or useful!). Enjoy!

Ironic Sans: You got your picture in my logo

I’ve been noticing logos lately that have replaced letters with pictures. I think it’s fascinating how the brain just fills in the blanks, whether or not the pictures actually resemble the letters they replace. Various studies have shown that we don’t look at the letters which make up words as much as we look at the shapes of the words as a whole. In fact, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The brain just takes care of the rest.

December 2007

Skytopia : Greatest Optical Illusions Pictures.

by 5 others
An intriguing selection of old, new and exclusive optical illusions. Many pictures are enhanced via the use of 3D and animation.