public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag illustration



Robert G. Bartholot is an artist with an emphasis on photographic illustration. His images are meant to tell a story without being too specific. They are often mystical and ironic at the same time, but always colourful and strong. Bartholot was born and raised in Germany and has lived in San Francisco, Zurich and Madrid. He is now based in Berlin.

Le Tampographe Sardon

Le Tampographe ne fabrique jamais de tampons sur commande. Il n'aime pas les artistes, il s'intéresse pas à leur travail, il n'a aucune curiosité pour les merdes qu'ils produisent généralement, s'il pouvait il les emploierait volontiers à goudronner les routes, curer les fossés, vider les poubelles ou creuser le canal Seine-Volga.



by 6 others
The images below are all exactly to scale, 10 pixels to a meter. Internet Explorer users may Click and Drag the starships to compare them as you like. At the bottom of the image are some contemporary vehicles and buildings for reference. Have fun!

Engineering 102A: Starship Recognition Protocols » Star Trek Minutiae

An informational course in the basic methods of identifying the starships of Federation, friendly, hostile, and unknown powers. Key characteristics of all Starfleet and Federation vessels currently in use are discussed, along with the general design features of known friendly and hostile forces. Basic hull designs and configurations, propulsion systems, and weapons emplacements are also considered. Offered First and Second Terms. (From the Starfleet Academy catalog, 2377-2378)

Japan - The Strange Country (Japanese ver.) on Vimeo

by 1 other
This is my final thesis project. I created info-graphic, motion piece. My objective is to make Japanese people to think about that everything happening here in Japan, isn't that normal. So I created this video from foreigner's point of view, rather than Japanese people's point of view.

2011 Academy Award Nominee

“Madagascar, Carnet de Voyage” (Madagascar, a Journey Diary) is one of five animated short films nominated for an Academy Award this year. From a purely artistic standpoint this animated short by French filmmaker Bastien Dubois is compelling to view. Colored pencil and watercolor drawings come to life, so that viewers feel like they’ve stepped into the pages of a traveler’s diary. Dubois undoubtedly achieved this using a rotoscoping technique in Adobe After Effects — a process of drawing masks, animating the path and then using the masks to define a matte.

Joëlle Jolivet

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une de mes illustratices préférées


humor chic

Humor Chic is a daily society portrait blog, an illustrated point of view about fashion, costume, culture, society and celebrity. "When I put pencil to paper, I know where I'll start but I don't know where I'll finish" aleXsandro Palombo

POP by Tali Krakowsky - Tali Krakowsky - On Design - Creativity Online

Pop-up books are just so alluring. There's something special about how they become dimensional and architectural; how they embody a story and invite discovery; how they surprise and fascinate; how they move and unfold – literally. By Tali Krakowsky

Matryoshka (Nesting Doll) Icons | Studiobenben News

The perfect folder metaphor now in (6) six carefully crafted icons. I’ve had this idea floating around in my sketchbook for a while now. Nice to finally see them done! Blog

by 3 others
Hand cut sihouettes by wilhelm Staehle


Serizawa Keisuke - Children of The Snow

Keisuke Serizawa's original hand-stenciled dye print, "Children of The Snow" highlights the fabric patterns for the children's clothing. This Kataezome is printed upon Japanese hand-made mulberry paper and with full margins as published by the Keisuke Serizawa workshop between 1960 and 1970. It is signed with Serizawa's chopmark signature in the lower right corner.

Pencil Rebel - Interactive Mixed Media, Games, Web Design, Concept Artist - Grzegorz Kozakiewicz

Pencil Rebel 2 is an awards winning experimental website created by Grzegorz Kozakiewicz using mixed media and Adobe Flash to provide a unique, interactive experience. The whole idea in this neverending fight between analogue and digital is that "Creativity is inside of us, not on the screen" and there are many ways to express yourself.

WOOD by Mac Bess on Vimeo

illus, anim, typo, musique, ça envoie la sauce ! Vive la chiasse !

Le plan B de Julien Castanié

by 3 others, 1 comment
Mon plan-B, ce sont des dessins, des croquis ou des illustrations postés à mon bon vouloir. Peut-être qu'un jour mon plan-B deviendra mon plan-A...