public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags illustration & art

25 November 2004 15:30

Banksy : Stencil Graffiti

This presents the awesome possibility of people having to appeal such a decision. Should you want to keep a piece of graffiti on your property you are now granted two weeks to convince a table of magistrates that it is not "detrimental to the amenity of the area".

25 November 2004 15:15

duncancumming graffiti photos

This website showcases graffiti photos from Scotland (especially Glasgow and Edinburgh graffiti), and anywhere else I can get to. So far that includes London, Paris, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Seville, Bristol, Lyon, Marseille, Brussels. There are also photos other people have sent in, including graffiti from Holland, Canada, Australia and more. I also put some other photos that aren't related to graffiti on here occasionally.

Stencil graffiti Blek the pioneer

Voilà ,vous entrez dans le monde de Blek le rat et de ses graffiti .Tout y est en vrac, comme dans la vie à vous de trier dans cette multitude d'images que je vous propose.Peut etre, avez vous vu ces graffiti dans la rue ou ailleurs sinon decouvrez les ici et m aintenant.

25 November 2004 15:00


by 1 other
A platform for contemporary urban Art

25 November 2004 14:45

Stencil Graffiti

"Street art is both an expression of our culture and a counterculture in itself. %u2018Communication%u2019 has become a modern mantra: the city streets shout with billboards, fly posters and corporate advertising, all vying for our attention. They almost invite a subversive response. As high-tech communications have increased, a low-tech reaction has been the recent explosion in street art."

25 November 2004 14:30

Bart Van de Vel - Ongoing exhibition

A place to look & listen Defunktion began as a space to exhibit art of any and all disciplines and has grown to encompass written features by selected contributors, interviews with established designers, artists and musicans, weekly editorials and a permanent and constantly growing exhibition entitled Wallpaper.