public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag books

March 2008


ONE OF THE MOST DELIGHTFUL AND INNOVATIVE POP-UP BOOKS I HAVE EVER SEEN.—Robert Sabuda From the lenticular cover that changes with the angle of your hands, all the way to the Z, ABC3D is as much a work of art as it is a pop-up book. Each of the 26 dimensional letters move and change before your eyes. C turns into D with a snap. M stands at attention. X becomes Y with a flick of the wrist. And then there's U... Boldly conceived and brilliantly executed with a striking black, red, and white palette, this is a book that readers and art lovers of all ages will treasure for years to come. MARION BATAILLE is graphic and book designer who has never before been published in this country. She lives in Paris. This is just a hand-made mock-up of the actual book which publishes in Oct. 2008. We couldn't be more excited about it.

February 2008

BOOKOFF Paris Opera Store | Librairie d'occasion de livres japonais

by 1 other (via)
BOOKOFF Paris Opera Store 29-31, rue Saint-Augustin 75002 Paris FRANCE BOOKOFF Paris Quatre Septembre Store 11, rue Mosigny, 75002, Paris, France

L'Oeil électrique #25 | Portraits / Thierry Magnier : l’école buissonière

Thierry Magnier est un éditeur heureux : depuis 1998, sa petite maison indépendante s'est taillé une place de choix dans le secteur de l'édition jeunesse, et a reçu des marques de reconnaissance appréciables, en France comme à l'étranger, de la part des enfants comme des libraires.

Litterature | Livres audio gratuits à écouter et télécharger

by 9 others
Des Livres à Lire et à Entendre est une association loi 1901 qui a pour objet de faciliter l’accès de tous et en particulier des non-voyants et malvoyants aux joies de la littérature.

January 2008

Book Covers

by 9 others
Covers is dedicated to the appreciation of book cover design. We update several times a week. Save for the occasional guest editor, this blog is updated and maintained by Fwis, a design firm based out of Brooklyn, NY and Portland, OR. All covers posted are the copyright of their respective holders. : Le monstre de l'alphabet: Livres, Livres en anglais, Musique, DVD, Vidéo, Logiciels, Jeux vidéo, Image & Son, Micro & Photo: Vera Eggermann,Bernard Friot

Monsieur Point est collectionneur. Il collectionne les lettres et les mots. Il a une belle collection. Un lundi matin, il découvre que des lettres manquent et que d'autres ont été inversées. Le jour suivant, des mots entiers ont disparu. Monsieur Point veut faire cesser les vols car il devient très difficile de parler et de se faire comprendre... Dans la nuit, des bruits étranges le réveillent. Il allume sa lampe et n'en croit pas ses yeux... c'est le monstre de l'alphabet ! The Book of Other People: Books: Zadie Smith

Starred Review. "The instruction was simple: make somebody up," explains novelist Smith in her introduction to this marvelous compendium of 23 distinct, pungent stories that attack the question of "character" from all angles. From David Mitchell's hilarious rendering of one menopausal woman's fantasy internet love-affair to ZZ Packer's heart-wrenching Jewish guy-black girl romance, each story is, as Smith puts it, "its own thing entirely." There are moments of prosaic precision (Andrew O'Hagan's eerily incisive "Gordon" is introduced "in the talcum-powdered air of the bathroom muttering calculations and strange moral sums about the cause of Hamlet's unhappiness"), but this volume is more than a showcase for deft prose and quirky souls. Toby Litt's lovely, lyrical "Monster," for example, playfully upends notions of personhood, as does Dave Eggers' surprising "Theo," a moving tale of a mountain who falls in love. Also on hand are a number of wonderful graphic shorts: Daniel Clowe shrewdly explores an insufferable critic's solipsistic lapses, Nick Hornby's "A Writing Life" gives a knowing wink with a series of writer bios and mock headshots, and "Jordan Wellington Lint" by Chris Ware cleverly chronicles the first 13 years of its hero's life. With so much to savor-the sensuality of Adam Thirlwell's "Nigora," the knowingness of George Saunder's "Puppy"-this anthology will sate even the most famished short story fan. Sales benefit Eggers's nonprofit literary organization 826 NYC. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

December 2007


by 5 others
Un podcast littéraire * Écoutez vos auteurs favoris * Abonnez-vous gratuitement Un projet ambitieux à soutenir * Faites un don * Parlez d’utopod autour de vous Une vitrine pour les auteurs * Notre offre * Nos exigences Un site en complément * Le résumé des émissions * Une plateforme de communication * Les archives des émissions * Le moyen de nous contacter Une grande famille * Les créateurs d’utopod * Les complices d’utopod * Les liens d’utopod

Edward Tufte: Books - Envisioning Information

This book celebrates escapes from the flatlands of both paper and computer screen, showing superb displays of high-dimensional complex data. The most design-oriented of Edward Tufte's books, Envisioning Information shows maps, charts, scientific presentations, diagrams, computer interfaces, statistical graphics and tables, stereo photographs, guidebooks, courtroom exhibits, timetables, use of color, a pop-up, and many other wonderful displays of information.

Favourite Comics and Art Books of 2007 » Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog

by 1 other
I’ve read a lot of great comics and graphic novels this year and I wanted to share some of my personal favourites. Please add your favourites to the comments so I know what to read next year! These are not in any order - just a bunch of stuff I really enjoyed.

Japon, rondes, comptines et berceuses, Musique pour les enfants, Disques sur

Au Pays du Soleil Levant , les comptines, légères comme la rosée, dévoilent les paysages familiers qui symbolisent le Japon : les cerisiers en fleur et le Mont Fuji. Si les comptines laissent libre cours à l'imagination poétique, les berceuses offrent aux enfants la sérénité zen des jardins de pierres. Humour et bonne humeur affluent, dans les rondes, pour rappeler certaines règles de bonne conduite comme "Mets donc les gâteaux de riz au feu, mais pas la maison. Je ne veux pas la voir partir en fumée". 22 titres qui se dégustent comme un délicieux sorbet au thé vert !

November 2007 | Typographic Links

This is a stunningly fresh and appealing approach to physical tagging, folksonomy or maps of relatedness. Typographic Links is a collectable hand-sewn publication, which maps interesting links and connections through the world of typography. The aim was to create a book and accompanying poster that took a light-hearted look at typographic practice. Thread is used to create three-dimensional hyperlinks that guide the reader through the pages of the book.

Lookybook | Home

by 1 other
Picture books are for looking at-so we've made it possible to view entire books-from cover to back, in all their splendor. We'll never replace an actual book in your hands, but we hope to show you new books and help you make informed choices for you and your kids

Space Alphabet

In honor of Sputnik 1, 50 years later (on Oct. 4th), I present to you all a nice little gem of a book I got off of ebay about a year ago: Space Alphabet (1964) by Irene Zacks. Pictures by Peter P. Plasencia. It's the entire book. I normally don't do this, but it's just too good not to share it all.

DIY Kids Home

D.I.Y. Kids aims to trigger imaginative play, without requiring fees, teams, or a minivan. It’s for parents, teachers, aunts and uncles, friends and baby-sitters, neighbors and citizens—anyone who wants to create a better world not only for, but also with, the next generation. Most of all, it’s for kids who want to make their mark (and make a difference) by exercising the arts of design with wit, intelligence, and style. :: forum :: graffiti street art posters stickers stencils

THE FAITH OF GRAFFITI photography by Mervyn Kurlansky & Jon Naar text by Norman Mailer edited in 1974 by Praeger Publishers ISBN : 0275716100 96 pages still on sale ( but very used and expensive ) HERE

Alvin Lustig : un album photos sur Flickr

Alvin Lustig (1915–1955). Images taken from 'Jackets Required' (Steven Heller & Seymour Chwast, 1995).

Su Blackwell

Paper has been used for communication since its invention; either between humans or in an attempt to communicate with the spirit world. I employ this delicate, accessible medium and use irreversible, destructive processes to reflect on the precariousness of the world we inhabit and the fragility of our life, dreams and ambitions. It is the delicacy, the slight feeling of claustrophobia, as if these characters, the landscape have been trapped inside the book all this time and are now suddenly released. A number of the compositions have an urgency about them, the choices made for the cut-out people from the illustrations seem to lean towards people on their way somewhere, about to discover something, or perhaps escaping from something. And the landscapes speak of a bleak mystery, a rising, an awareness of the air.

Bienvenue chez Textes Rares

Témoignages sur le monde de l'édition du XVe au XIXe siècle, textes et images / Texts and pictures from the 15th to the 19th century

October 2007 : Les Leçons du jardin zen: Livres: Erik Borja,Paul Maurer

Si en Occident la pensée judéo-chrétienne place l'homme au centre du monde, et le dit choisi par Dieu afin de dominer et asservir à son profit la nature sauvage, il n'en est pas de même en Orient, où l'homme fait partie d'un tout au même titre que l'ensemble des éléments. Enfant de cette unicité, nourri de spiritualité, le jardin zen s'offre comme une peinture graphique, et s'inscrit dans un cadrage précis, à contempler depuis un point fixe. Le jardin zen se caractérise par un espace dépouillé et une quasi-absence de végétation qui conviennent à la rêverie méditative. À travers ses visites japonaises (de son propre jardin ou de ses créations), Erik Borja, spécialiste du jardin zen, et Paul Maurer, photographe, nous permettent de mieux comprendre la démarche, et nous donnent les clés du zen... non pour les copier, mais pour les adapter à notre monde. Les Leçons du jardin zen enseignent chacune des subtilités de cet art et répondent à vos questions : Comment saisir les lignes de force d'un site, du jardin sec au pas japonais ? comment composer avec le minéral ? Où implanter l'univers aquatique, symbole de pureté et source de vie (étangs, cascades ou plantes aquatiques ?) ? Et enfin, quels végétaux installer et comment les tailler ? Un voyage au pays de la contemplation. --Rose d'Albi