public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ryanne

05 September 2005

maipo tour

[monday, 05 september 2005] 我 們 的 米 埔 之 旅 ! :)

03 September 2005

dgs 145th anniversary celebration musical

[friday, 02 september 2005] so thrilled by the music by the spirit by everything tonight i went home after the musical and sung the school hymn to myself again how i feel differently about it now...

01 September 2005

為 一 個 小 小 extension 而 感 動

[friday, 03 december 2004] 我 承 認 我 是 一 個 愛 賴 床 的 人   賴 床 的 人 都 需 要 一 個 好 鬧 鐘 好 的 鬧 鐘 好 在 不 會 輕 言 放 棄   在 被 拍 滅 十 次 後 仍 堅 持 響 鬧 自 從 我 的 小 豬 豬

let's (google) fight!

[friday, 03 december 2004] DGS vs HYS 1 630 000 : 285 000 The winner is: DGS! to be hardworking vs to be lazy 2 520 000 : 7 860 000 The winner is: to be lazy!

d. otted rhythmbig news -- the a45 xmaz party!

[saturday, 04 december 2004] FINALLY STH to brighten up my day!!! thanks kirk thank youuuuu THANK YOUUU (for you-know-what....hahahaa) i have the A45 x'maz party to look forward to after the exams.....yay :)enough about it...must concentrate again

PRC law student

[sunday, 05 december 2004] what on earth is this PRC law student doing??? don't tell me he's MEMORZING THE CRIMINAL CODE.....

追 悼 黃 霑

[sunday, 05 december 2004] “ 那 些 幽 清  是 先 驅 的 笑 聲 ” -- 黃 霑 


[monday, 06 december 2004] 17 days til liberty...

apronyms - another game within a game

[tuesday, 07 december 2004]'re some clever apronyms to chew on!!! (note: this entry will make no sense to most of you) - [ ] ALBERT KLAGES: Another Link Between Epochs - Relays Tale Knowing Little About Game's Eventua

la Scala, Milano, Italiana!

[wednesday, 08 december 2004] 前 幾 天 從 這 裡 得 知 , 原 來 意 大 利 米 蘭 的 la Scala 終 於 重 開 了 ! 還 記 得 今 年 六 月 , 我 們 整 團 人 路 過 時 , 也 只 能 望 門 而 ( 好 像 只 有 我 ) 輕

Subject:Take care

[wednesday, 08 december 2004] Hiu yeung, [....] gave me a disc which showed the last class of the self-defense course. I have just finished watching it and found it quite interesting. I am especially happy when I see you in the video as I haven't seen you

想 懶

[wednesday, 08 december 2004] 有 益 胸 懷  虧 可 常 吃 忙 裡 偷 閒  偷 亦 無 妨 - 阿 虫

la Scala again

[friday, 10 december 2004] "...La Scala, newly restored and with its acoustics improved, reopened in Milan on Tuesday night after a three-year renovation....the vicissitudes of La Scala are followed passionately by multitudes of Milanese, and the opening

一 單 領 匯 , 一 單 法 改 會

[friday, 10 december 2004] 昨 天 早 上 正 在 溫 benny tai 的 筆 記 時 benny tai 的 聲 音 就 在 電 台 出 現 當 天 晚 上 正 在 讀 johannes 的 文 章 時 johannes 又 在 電 視 上 出 現 !

quitting? no frets!

[saturday, 11 december 2004] Just heard about the quitting of a choral part leader in the Union Choir. Coincidentally, she was the alto part leader, and like me, she also quitted for health and academic reasons! Here's what she said on her xanga -- it's a

mini bazaar catalog 04

[wednesday, 15 december 2004] DGS mini bazaar catalogue 2004 is out!!! so here it comes again! time really flies...the last time i visited dgs was exactly a year ago, i still remember how i escaped from hku leaving mr. lam keith in the law lib working on

firefox on nytimes

[thursday, 16 december 2004] There is an alternative: Mozilla Firefox! 10,000 Firefox enthusiasts make history: Two-Page Mozilla Firefox Advertisement to Run in Tomorrow's 'New York Times'!!! :) Result of the largest open source fundraising campaign in hi

ANOTHER REASON why you should dump I.E.

[friday, 17 december 2004] Click the link below to test whether or not your I.E. is vulnerable!!! The test will open a new window, where the address bar writes "", but the page is actually displaying content from http://laihiu.niceso

出 現

[saturday, 18 december 2004] 昨 夜 做 了 個 夢 夢 見 有 一 個 人 在 我 門 前 出 現

坐 立 不 安

[saturday, 18 december 2004] 等 了 一 整 天 仍 未 有 消 息 是 你 忘 了 ? 還 是 甚 麼 ? 很 擔 心

失 眠

[sunday, 19 december 2004] 我 失 眠 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "STRESSED" spelled backwards is "DESSERTS" maybe that's what i need

似 近 實 遠

[sunday, 19 december 2004] 今 天 的 教 訓 : 不 要 再 期 望 甚 麼. 即 使 你 認 為 . 你 已 等 了 很 久 . 似 近 實 遠 . 原 來 更 難 受 . 尤 其 . 當 我 比 你 期 待 . 在這 幾 天 裡 . 完 全 感 覺

人 命 算 甚 麼

[monday, 20 december 2004] [ BBC News ] Rumsfeld faces Iraq letters row: US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has pledged to personally sign letters of condolence to the families of American soldiers killed in action. He spoke shortly after his admission

ryanne's TAGS


limit:50 100 200

"june   1989   64   71   8964   a45   basiclaw   beijing   birthday   boardgames   book   browser   candlelight   case   cat   china   choir   christianity   christmas   Competition   concert   congrats   contract   court   crim   dad   DBGS   death   democracy   demonstration   design   dgs   diocesan   exams   family   festival   firefox   firm   flickr   food   fourth"   friend   friends   funny   gift   google   hku   HongKong   internship   italy   jazz   jsm   law   leaving   legal   lkj   llb   longdistance   love   luck   lyrics   march   massacre   memories   mufest   music   Natalie   pain   party   photography   pleasure   politics   presentation   professor   quote   re-interpretation   relationship   relatives   ruleoflaw   school   separation   spirit   squaredcircle   statistics   stress   summer   tech   tiananmen   ticon   tired   toykeat   traineeship   travel   trio   vigil   volunteer   webradio   work   七一   六四