public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ruadrift

21 May 2006

Google Gadgets API - Overview

by 6 others
Create a Gadget for the Google Homepage The Google Gadgets API is our effort to open the Google homepage to developers. Use it to turn your web content or application into gadgets that users can add to their personalized homepage. You can also develop features that affect other aspects of the page, such as font and color schemes.

20 May 2006

Gnafi - /

gnafi auto firefox bookmarks service

18 May 2006

by 2 others
MyPage puts you in control of the current page: Remove, isolate, edit page items with keyboard control. On-screen print-preview emulation lets you see how the page will print while editing. (if you dug click2zap, try this out.)

:: PIMPAMPUM :: Bubblr! .:.

by 12 others
create cartoons from fickr photos

Google Web Toolkit - Build AJAX apps in the Java language

by 56 others
Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for developers who don't speak browser quirks as a second language. Writing dynamic web applications today is a tedious and error-prone process; you spend 90% of your time working around subtle incompatabilities between web browsers and platforms, and JavaScript's lack of modularity makes sharing, testing, and reusing AJAX components difficult and fragile.

17 May 2006

XML Tutorial Schema -Complex Types

XML Tutorial Schema – Complex Types by Jaidev Simply defined(!), Complex Types are elements that can contain sub-elements within or can have attributes.

16 May 2006

Customize a New XP Installation

by 3 others
How can I customize a new Windows XP installation?

ISO Recorder v 2

by 8 others
Welcome to the ISO Recorder download page. ISO Recorder is a tool (power toy) for Windows XP, 2003 and now Windows Vista, that allows (depending on the Windows version) to burn CD and DVD images, copy disks, make images of the existing data CDs and DVDs and create ISO images from a content of a disk folder.

Geek to Live: Organizing

by 1 other
Organizing “My Documents” - GMail Drive shell extension

by 35 others
GMail Drive is a Shell Namespace Extension that creates a virtual filesystem around your Google Gmail account, allowing you to use Gmail as a storage medium.

15 May 2006

13 May 2006

Bridgewater Motorworks - NJ Engine Replacement and Rebuilt Car Engines New Jersey

The Area's Largest Remanufactured Engine & Transmission Installation Center, with the experience of over 6,234 engines & transmissions installed. NJ Engine Replacement and rebuilt car engines in New Jersey.

12 May 2006

STG XML Validation Form

by 3 others
XML Validation Form To validate a small XML document, just paste it into the text field below and hit the validate button. If the document is too large to be conveniently pasted into the text field, enter its filename into the local file field. You may also validate an arbitrary XML document on the Web by typing its URI into the URI field.

Google Maps Mania

by 43 others
Google Maps Mania An unofficial Google Maps blog tracking the websites, mashups and tools being influenced by Google Maps.

Get Rich Slowly

by 7 others
a good intro to Bach’s many treatises on personal finance. I’ll come right out and say I highly recommend this book. It was full of great information, and took an optimistic, yet realistic tone. I’ll try to touch on some key points.


by 30 others
create and process forms

pdf 995: create PDF documents easily for free

by 3 others
Pdf995 makes it easy and affordable to create professional-quality documents in the popular PDF file format. Its easy-to-use interface helps you to create PDF files by simply selecting the "print" command from any application, creating documents which can be viewed on any computer with a PDF viewer. Pdf995 supports network file saving, fast user switching on XP, Citrix/Terminal Server, custom page sizes and large format printing. Pdf995 is a printer driver that works with any Postscript to PDF converter.

11 May 2006


by 49 others
Krugle - the search engine for developers find code find answers Krugle makes it easy for developers to find source code and technical information - fast! A-to-Z by Functions : All 150 hacks categorized : eConsultant

by 33 others A-to-Z by Functions : All 150+ hacks/links/tools hacks, links, tools organized by actions/functions.

10 May 2006

Really easy field validation with Prototype * Dexagogo

by 11 others
Really easy field validation with Prototype I wanted a robust javascript validation library that was simple to implement and didn't require me do any extra work other than creating the form. My favourite idea for a method of doing this is to utilise the field elements' class attribute to indicate what sort of field it is and hence any validation requirements. There are a few javascript libraries that implement that idea like wForms, but, since I'm currently hell-bent on re-writing all my javascript using Prototype, I thought I'd see how difficult or easy it would be to roll my own. Turns out that this is just the sort of thing that is easy with Prototype. [Updated Again!] : new version 1.2! ( also, A bit of maintenance: version 1.2.1)

09 May 2006

Cluster your bookmarks

by 10 others
This tiny application lets you cluster your bookmarks into tag clouds. You can check the results and adjust the clustering later. For details, questions and comments visit our blog. Update: next version of this clustering tool available at

FireBug -

by 23 others
FireBug lets you explore the far corners of the DOM by keyboard or mouse. All of the tools you need to poke, prod, and monitor your JavaScript, CSS, HTML and Ajax are brought together into one seamless experience, including an error console, command line, and a variety of fun inspectors.

08 May 2006

ruadrift's TAGS


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ajax   anime   api   applications   apps   auto   backup   bookmarks   cartoons   cd   chart   cheats   code   complextypes   database   delicious   doctor   dragndrop   drivers   droagndrop   dyi   email   firefox   flashlight   flickr   form   forms   framework   frameworks   free   games   gmail   google   hardware   html   index   java   javascript   jsp   kids   language   lanugage   linkstation   linux   list   live   map   maps   money   motherboard   music   network   notes   office   Oneliner   online   paper   pc   perl   photo   php   pictures   plot   portable   print   programming   reference   router   rss   screencapture   search   Servlet   sex-offender   silent   soap   software   source   spreadsheet   startpage   storage   tech   tiddlywiki   toolkit   tools   Torch   tutorial   tutorials   tv   unix   validation   virtualserver   web   web-builder   web2.0   windows   word   write   wsdl   xml   xp