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PUBLIC MARKS from rmaltete with tag mp3



by 9 others
Livres audio gratuits à écouter et télécharger Rendre accessibles à tous les joies de la littérature : tel est le but de ce site internet, créé au sein de l'association Des Livres à Lire et à Entendre. Nos livres audio sont gratuits et téléchargeables au format mp3 pour que vous puissiez les écouter partout, par exemple sur votre baladeur numérique. Pensez à remercier les donneurs de voix, qui sont bénévoles, et n'hésitez pas à écrire un petit mot sur notre livre d'or ! Bonne visite à tous.


by 26 others
MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a comprehensive music information site. You can use the MusicBrainz data either by browsing this web site, or you can access the data from a client program — for example, a CD player program can use MusicBrainz to identify CDs and provide information about the CD, about the artist or about related information. You can also use the MusicBrainz Tagger to automatically identify and clean up the metadata tags in your digital music collections. Find out more in the introduction. > Logiciels > Ant Renamer

by 1 other (via)
Ce programme permet de renommer un grand nombre de fichiers et dossiers en quelques clics. Il ne fait que modifier les noms des fichiers/dossiers : * Changement d'extension * Remplacement de chaînes de caractères par d'autres * Insertion d'une chaîne de caractères * Déplacement de caractères * Suppression de plusieurs caractères * Énumeration * Création de noms à partir des tags mp3 (ID v1.1) * Création de noms à partir de la date et heure de modification du fichier * Noms aléatoires * Changement de casse (majuscule, minuscule, première lettre de chaque mot en majuscule, ...) * À partir des noms d'une liste ou d'un fichier * Utilisation des infos EXIF * Expressions rationnelles


The Hype Machine

by 14 others
Latest Songs From MP3 & Music Blogs


Pour gérer les MP3 + paroles


by 1 other
Chop up your MP3 files the easy way AudioSlicer is a Cocoa GUI application for Mac OS X that finds all silences in an audio file and allows you to split it into several smaller audio files and to name/tag them properly. For now only MP3 is supported but other audio formats may be added in the future. While most other tools doing this split automatically according to certain criteria, AudioSlicer shows you all silences within a certain range of duration. You can then listen to the silence - well, to the audio before and after the silence really - and then you decide if you want to split there. The splitting is done without loss, there is no decoding and re-encoding of audio data taking place.



Uses MusicBrainz ( to fix your mp3 and aac tags in iTunes after they've been ripped using acoustic matchings.


Thalictrum - LameLib

LAME is an open source audio encoder. It is NOT developed by Thalictrum. We give you a pre-packaged installer for Mac OS X as a convenience. All necessary information, license and source code can be freely obtained from

Audio tagging introduction

Digital audio files can contain, in addition to the audio track, related text and/or graphical information. The information you're probably familiar with take the form of Song title, Artist name, Album name, Year and Genre. This is the information displayed when you playback a digital audio file on your computer or portable device.

Radio Recorder

by 4 others
Record Internet Radio stations under MacOSXas MP3 files RadioRecorder lets you take a selection of your favourite internet radio stations along with you.


Finally, a network music player that looks as good as it sounds! Roku SoundBridge plays your PC or Mac digital music files anywhere in the house – connecting your stereo or powered speakers to your computer’s digital music library.


by 6 others
Small Box...Big Sound! Stream your digital music or MP3 Internet radio to your stereo without compromise. Built-in 802.11g Burr-Brown DAC Stunning display with visualizers Wireless bridging and more!

by 7 others
morceaux à utiliser dans un podcast gratos

Chaotic Software

by 2 others
MP3 rage + Media Rage


découpe de fichiers mp3

rmaltete's TAGS related to tag mp3

accessoire +   audio +   auto +   fichiers +   hardware +   id3 +   infos +   ipod +   itunes +   littérature +   livre +   mac +   musique +   open-source +   osx +   radio +   renommer +   référence +   soft +   tag +   utilitaire +   webradio +   windows +