public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from rated with tag army

April 2008

Famous peoples last words | Digital Karma

by 33 others
Lord Byron was one of the most widely read and notorious poets of his era, and many believe that some of his works, especially Don Juan, are autobiographical. He was forced to flee England in 1816 to escape his debts and a nasty sex scandal involving his

April 2007

Pentagon struggles to find fresh troops - Yahoo! News

The officials would speak only on condition of anonymity, because no final decisions have been made and no formal requests for the forces have come from commanders in Iraq. But they said it is beginning to appear likely that Petraeus will ask to maintain

February 2007

US Presidential Speeches Tag Cloud - Chirag Mehta :

by 3 others
aged aggression agreement alabama anew arms atlantic authorizing berlin brain bury capacities chronically commitment communist competence constructive contributing cooperation corporate corps counsel crisis cuba damaging deficit demonstrations devastating