public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from pyxosledisciple with tag php

February 2007

PDO, l'abstraction de données pour PHP 5 - JDN Développeurs

by 1 other
Standard, performante et ouverte : l'extension PDO est désormais la méthode recommandée pour accéder aux bases de données depuis PHP. Exploration avec exemples de code.

October 2006

September 2006

Livres PHP - Web Marchand

Un exemple complet de boutique en ligne. A voir

Modification "inline" de données avec AJAX

by 4 others (via)
Ce tutoriel a pour but de vous montrer comment mettre en oeuvre simplement un script de modification "inline" de vos données affichées dans une page web.

July 2006

PHP: mysql_list_fields - Manual

Comment déterminer le nom des colonnes d'une table.

PHP Classes - Class: Quick CSV import

Importer un fichier CSV dans une table MySQL

PHP Classes - Class: Access MySQL database

Classe PHP pour manipuler facilement MySQL.

PHP Classes - Class: IAM CSV Dump

Génération d'un fichier CSV à partir d'une requête.

PECL :: Package :: timezonedb

Gestion des décalages horaires en PHP avec PECL

June 2006


by 4 others
PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a project build system based on Apache Ant. You can do anything with it that you could do with a traditional build system like GNU make, and its use of simple XML build files and extensible PHP "task" classes make it an easy-to-use and highly flexible build framework. Features include file transformations (e.g. token replacement, XSLT transformation, Smarty template transformations), file system operations, interactive build support, SQL execution, CVS operations, tools for creating PEAR packages, and much more.

Understanding HTTP Headers and the PHP header() Function

by 4 others
Many beginning and intermediate PHP programmers seem to think the header() function is some kind of strange voodoo. They work from examples and code snippets and are able to get things done with it, but they don't know quite how it works. That was certainly the way I regarded header() the first time I saw it.

PEAR::MDB2 - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones

PEAR::MDB2 couche d'abstraction d'accès aux bases de données implémentée en PHP

April 2006

March 2006


Plugin pour utiliser directement le PHP dans Wordpress.

February 2006

January 2006

SQL Relay

by 1 other (via)
SQL Relay is a persistent database connection pooling, proxying and load balancing system for Unix and Linux supporting ODBC, Oracle, MySQL, mSQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Interbase, Lago, SQLite and MS Access (minimally) with APIs for C, C++, Perl, Perl-DBI, Python, Python-DB, Zope, PHP, Ruby, Ruby-DBI, Java and TCL, drop-in replacement libraries for MySQL and PostgreSQL clients, command line clients, a GUI configuration tool and extensive documentation. The APIs support advanced database operations such as bind variables, multi-row fetches, client-side result set caching and suspended transactions. It is ideal for speeding up database-driven web-based applications, accessing databases from unsupported platforms, migrating between databases, distributing access to replicated databases and throttling database access.