public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from pvergain with tag java

October 2007

Lift Web Framework witj scala

by 2 others
Welcome to the lift Web Framework lift is yet another web development framework. lift runs inside a Java web container and uses the Scala programming language for coding. lift stresses security, developer productivity, ease of deployment, ease of maintainability, performance, and compatibility with existing systems. lift borrows from the best of existing frameworks including Seaside's highly granular sessions and security, Rails fast flash-to-bang, Django's "more than just CRUD is included", and Erlyweb's scalability for Comet-style applications. lift is built on Scala, a hybrid Functional and O-O language that compiles code down to the Java Virtual Machine. Scala code can call any Java code and make use of all Java classes. Java code can call some Scala code. lift applications are packaged as WAR files and can be deployed on any Servlet 2.4 engine (e.g., Tomcat 5.5.xx, Jetty 6.0, etc.)

Dynamic scripting languages

Java 6 introduces native support for dynamic scripting languages (JSR 223, scripting languages and Java technology.) This BOF session brings together leaders, users, and critics from the Jython, Groovy, PHP, Ruby, and many other scripting camps for an exchange of ideas to develop a common understanding of the state of the art and practical examples of using dynamic scripting languages to solve problems

Enunciate is a Web service deployment framework

Enunciate is a Web service deployment framework. It is not another Web service stack implementation. Rather, Enunciate leverages existing Web service technologies to provide a mechanism to build, package, deploy, and to clearly, accurately deliver your Web service API on the Java platform. Enunciate's novel approach to Web service development centers around leveraging all components of an API that are definied and maintained in original source code (as opposed to only those that are defined by compiled bytecode). This means that Web service development is done completely in source code, where it can be maintained using your favorite IDE and where the development entry barrier is low. However, by starting with original source code, Enunciate avoids the interoperabilty issues of code-first development by forcing developers at compile time to reconcile any ambiguities or other potential hazards in the formal contract. This model is formalized as the "compiled contract" development model. Currently, Enunciate generates code for the Java 1.4 platform and the Java 5 platform, but has plans to add modules that generate code for the .NET and C/C platforms in the future. Consult the roadmap for information on other modules in the pipe and how you can help.

July 2007


What is Retrotranslator? Retrotranslator is a Java bytecode transformer that translates Java classes compiled with JDK 5.0 into classes that can be run on JVM 1.4. It is a free, open-source tool based on the ASM bytecode manipulation framework and concurrency utilities backported to Java 1.4.

April 2007

Papyrus UML

by 2 others
Papyrus is a dedicated tool for modelling within UML2. This open source tool is based on the Eclipse environment.

March 2007

javascript, java, python

When I wrote Java, Groovy and (J)Ruby, Owen Densmore and Lawrence Oluyede suggested that I should include Jython as well. Here it is.... JavaScript and Jython for Java programmers. Note that while I am reasonably comfortable with Java and JavaScript, I don't know much about Jython. If you find anything wrong here, please let me know. I used Jython version 2.1. For JavaScript, I used Rhino 1.6R2 that is co-bundled with JDK 6. The jsr-223 script engine for Jython and many other languages are avaiable at

February 2007

JBoss Seam Version 1.0 Released ! - Actualités - Java & Solaris par le Laboratoire SUPINFO des technologies Sun

Seam a été pensé pour éliminer la complexité tant au niveau de l’architecture que de l’interface de programmation (API). Il se base sur l'utilisation de POJO et des annotations (conformément à l'évolution de Java EE 5). Il réduit alors considérablement les fichiers XML dans une application Web. Il offre égalemement de nombreux avantages : * Intégration JSF et EJB3 (très simplement) * Nouveaux contextes : conversation et processus métier * Intégration de flux de pages (pageflows) * Intégration de jBPM très facilement (business process) * Accès aux EJB à partir d'AJAX (JBoss Remoting) * ... Ce framework offre de nombreuses facilités pour le développement d'application et se présente de plus en plus comme un futur standard .... Les prochaines versions faciliterons l'intégration des Bus de Service d'Entreprise (ESB) avec JBI (Java Buiness Integration). A Java-based CMS for alternative media

January 2007

Vex - A Visual Editor for XML

by 2 others
Vex is Extensible Vex is based on the Eclipse platform, the same platform used to build the popular Eclipse Java development environment. This foundation provides several advantages. * The Eclipse platform implements a sophisticated plugin architecture, allowing Vex to be extended with third-party or custom, in-house plugins. * Vex leverages many of the mature plugins that make up the Eclipse Java IDE such as the CVS interface, document searching and bookmarking facilities, and searchable help system. * Vex is available with native look-and-feel on many platforms, including Windows, Linux/GTK, and Macintosh OS-X/Carbon. * Java developers using the Eclipse IDE can import Vex into their IDE as a plugin, making it easy to maintain software documentation with Vex. Vex is Reusable The Vex editor widget is available as a pure Java, cross-platform component with bindings to Swing and SWT. Developers can re-use this widget, for example as an applet in a web-based application.

Java - Community Ubuntu Documentation

by 3 others
To install proprietary Java, you must have the Multiverse repository enabled. Keep in mind that this repository is different from the backports Multiverse repository. That is, do not simply uncomment the "multiverse" line for backports. Instead, you will need to add "multiverse" to the existing main line in sources.list. For more information about the Multiverse repository, please visit the following guide:

Welcome! | Open Source Recruiter

1. Resume objects are validated using OSR tools, and can then be converted to a number of different formats, including HR-XML, HTML, XHTML, PDF, and Open Document text (ODT). OSR comes budled with default stylesheets for performing each of these transformations. It also allows users to define their own stylesheets for custom transformations. Click on a link below to display a sample resume formatted using one of the default stylesheets that ships with OSR: * HR-XML example * HTML example * XHTML example * PDF example * Open Document text example 2. Resumes can optionally be persisted to an SQL-compliant datastore. The resume database can be manipulated just like any other database; searching and data manipulation can be perfomed by anyone who knows SQL.

Apache Geronimo

by 1 other
The goal of the Geronimo project is to produce a server runtime framework that pulls together the best Open Source alternatives to create runtimes that meet the needs of developers and system administrators. Our most popular distribution is a fully certified J2EE 1.4 application server runtime. We are working on our next version of the server which is based on Java EE 5. Some of our guiding principles are: * Easy to use. * Build servers that are distributed under the Apache Software License. * Provide runtimes that meet the needs of developers, administrators and system integrators. * Integrate with the best open source tooling available like Eclipse. * Provide frequent releases of our software so users can experience the newest features and have access to the latest bug fixes. * Build a community that incorporates multiple disciplines required to create complex runtime and toolable infrastructure.

glassfish: GlassFish Community

by 5 others
Use GlassFish to learn about the latest Java EE 5 technologies, and start developing applications using the application server. Try out GlassFish Samples for quick hands-on learning with Java EE 5. Visit Java Blueprints for reusable Java EE application code components and guidelines for your enterprise applications. Learn how to migrate your existing J2EE apps to Java EE 5. Get Involved Help improve the GlassFish server or learn how the GlassFish community is implementing technologies and features such as Grizzly, EJB 3.0 and TopLink Essentials, admin tools and more. Roadmap GlassFish V1 UR1 has just been released through the Java EE 5 SDK Update 1. We are developing GlassFish V2. Discussions about plans for V3 will be starting soon. See the wiki page for schedule detail

Groovy - Home

by 11 others
Groovy is ... An agile dynamic language for the Java Platform with many features that are inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk, making them available to Java developers using a Java-like syntax. Developing web applications , writing shell scripts easily, writing concise, meaningful, test cases using Groovy's JUnit integration, or prototyping and producing real industrial strength applications have never been so concise and groovy. Groovy works cleanly with all existing Java objects and libraries and compiles straight to Java bytecode in either application development or scripting mode. A simple hello world script: def name='World'; println "Hello $name!"

Welcome to NetBeans

by 1 other
All the tools software developers need to create cross-platform Java desktop, enterprise and web applications. Runs on Windows, Linux, MacOS, as well as Solaris. It is easy to install and use, works right out of the box -- and it is open-source and free!

JCP Introduction - FAQ

Q: What is the JCP? A: Since its introduction in 1998 as the open, participative process to develop and revise the Java™ technology specifications, reference implementations, and test suites, the Java Community Process (JCP) program has fostered the evolution of the Java platform in cooperation with the international Java developer community.

openjdk: Home

This project is the place to collaborate on the open-source JDK, an implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition specification defined in the Java Community Process. What you will find here Today this project contains two significant components of the JDK: * The HotSpot Virtual Machine * The Java programming-language compiler (javac), with complete NetBeans project metadata The remainder of the open-source JDK will be available in the first half of 2007. At that time this project will host the source code for the complete JDK except for a few components that Sun does not have the right to publish in source form under the GPL; pre-built binaries will be provided for those components. You will also find the jtreg unit-test harness here, for use in running the compiler's unit tests. For now this tool is available only in binary form, but eventually it too will be open-sourced. How to participate You can participate in many ways; here are some of the possibilities: * Get the latest community news from the OpenJDK Community page * Check out the latest blogs on Planet JDK * Join the discussion on one or more of the OpenJDK mailing lists * Join the live conversation via IRC on #openjdk * Elaborate and collaborate on ideas on the OpenJDKWiki * Build and hack on the compiler with NetBeans * Contribute a patch to fix a bug or enhance the compiler or the HotSpot VM

jdk7: Java SE 7

Sun is releasing weekly early access snapshots of the complete source, binaries and documentation for JDK 7. These raw snapshot releases let you review and contribute to the Java SE platform as it is being developed.

J2eeEtAgilite - Agile-Swiss

Trop de configurations (ah la verbosité d'XML :-) éparpillées dans plein d'endroits. Cette verbosité est telle d'ailleurs qu'elle s'accompagne obligatoirement des plug-ins dédiés aux principaux IDE. Résultat : on gagne encore en complexité, avec l'installation de ces plugins dans l'IDE (gestion des versions de ces plug-ins, compatibilité avec les versions de l'IDE lui-même, ...) Cerise sur le gateau, vous êtes maintenant liés (à vie au moins !) avec votre IDE (pas si favori que ça parfois) sur un projet donné. Hors de questions aussi de laisser à chaque développeur (ou binome) le choix de son IDE. Serait-ce une bonne idée ? Dans le même ordre d'idées, les insuffisances d'une architecture ultra-générique ont vu des extensions propriétaires côté application servers. (deployment descriptors propriétaires) Le framework qui se veut universel se heurte à la réalité de chaque projet, et la promesse de portabilité initiale s'envole.