public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from philippej with tag weblogue


abc dotclear

by 2 others (via)
"Ce blog est destiné à ceux qui n'y connaissent rien, mais alors rien de rien, et veulent ouvrir un blog Dotclear."


Strange maps

by 12 others (via)
Des cartes que l'on a pas l'habitude de voir.

Using Google Earth

« Learn tricks and tips to explore your world more effectively in Google Earth. »


by 2 others
"SketchUp learning materials"

KoKae Screencasts

Screencast on how to use Google Earth and e-maps.

London Marathon - Ben Saunders

"Most inspirational t-shirt slogan : "Never give up. Never surrender." Least helpful advice from a crowd member : "Keep breathing!"

Blog Webatou

by 11 others
Monique en campagne pour des sites Web de qualité, conformes et accessibles...

Grape Radio

"...a radio show discussing wine related topics that is broadcast over the Internet using podcast technology."


Google Maps Mania

by 43 others
"An unofficial Google Maps blog tracking the websites, ideas and tools being influenced by Google Maps."

Quelle ambiance ?

Devine d'où je t'appelle ? Une idée amusante autour de l'audioblogging.

Nota Bene

Le gardien des noisettes de Pompage relooke son blogue avec un design à faire pâlir d'envie bon nombre de ses camarades de jeu. Félicitations (o/O/o/) donc à Stéphane pour ce thème floral très sympa qui ne devrait pas tarder à être copié et r

Flickr memories

by 3 others
"A blog showing some extraordinary images discovered on flickr".

RMail blog

"...another fine KBCafe blog service".

New Technorati Beta

by 7 others
"Technorati brings you what's happening on the web right now". Dommage que tout ne rentre pas dans la largeur mon tout petit écran :)

Les mises au point de fred

by 7 others (via)
Mises au point, trucs et astuces PHP.

Understanding Vorn

"Understanding VORN has seen suicide notes, sex pictures, and love letters, but these poignant moments inevitably get swallowed by time, as the program advances, obsessed with finding what's new".

by 6 others (via)
Un blogue spip sur les blogues spip.

Doing as a full-time job

by 5 others (via)
"I recently quit my web design gig and -- as of today -- will be working on as my full-time job. And I need your help".

Shipped !

Quelques amélioration du système de commentaires de Blogger.

Public Blog ?

Where does a blog with no topic can go ?

Née pour blogger

"J'utilise mon blog comme un fous-y-tout".

Why There's No Escaping the Blog ?

"As blogging software gets easier to use, the boundaries between, say, writing e-mail and writing a blog will start to blur. This will fundamentally change how we document our lives."


Le Moleskine à Beleg

by 3 others
"Témoin du vrai monde où l'on s'ennuie." Superbe !

philippej's TAGS related to tag weblogue

accessibilité +   art +   dotclear +   earth +   email +   flickr +   geographie +   google +   graphiques +   maps +   outils +   photo +   photologue +   php +   podcasting +   rss +   screencast +   sport +   standards +   technorati +   tutoriels +   web +   weblogging +