public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from philippej with tag weblogging

May 2006

Blogger Word Verification For All

"Now almost everyone will be able to create blogs, post comments, and prove to our spam classifier that they're not a robot."

April 2006

Blog star attitude

A propos d'une interview sympathique de Stephanie Booth.

Blogging terms

by 1 other
"...a list of blogging terms" on Wikipedia.

On Spam Removals

Quand Blogger suprime des blogs : "For certain types of blogs - a fraction of those classified - if we receive no response from the user after a significant period of time, we will mark the site for removal."

March 2006

Blog influence

Un façon de calculer le degré d'influence de son blog.

February 2006

State of the professional blogosphere

"The issue here isn't simply that employers don't get what blogging is or can be."

Attention Thieves

A spray that erases all bullshit from a targeted post. Is coComment could be the solution !

Intégrer coComment sur votre blog

Instructions, script, bookmarklet et extension FF pour utiliser ou intégrer coComment dans son blog.

CoComment : semantically forked conversation ?

Quelques problèmes et interrogations liées au stockage de commentaires sur deux serveurs séparés.


by 60 others
"...un service pour agréger les commentaires que vous faîtes sur les autres blogs".

Weblogging is not "tech"

"If you’re anything when you’re a weblogger, you’re a writer. Or a photographer. Or perhaps even a pain in the butt (several hands raise). But you’re not a tech, not unless you do more with technology than use a weblogging tool."

January 2006

Structured Blogging : Who is Benefitting and How ?

Une introduction rapide pour se faire une idée de ce qu'est le Structured Blogging.

Book review by kids and teens

Quand les petits comprennent plus vite que les grands :) [découvert en premier via The RSS Blog]

Salade numérique

Une solution pour créer un meta-weblogue sur Viabloga.

December 2005

Le blogging structuré prend forme

"Le premier avantage, pour moi, du structured blogging est de sortir de ce modèle et de continuer à garder mes contenus sur mon site et à mes conditions."

Structured Blogging Will Flop

by 1 other
"The cognitive effort of classification is enough to keep people from bothering. The same logic holds for structured blogging."

Blogger Web Comments for Firefox

by 2 others
" extension that makes it easy to see what bloggers are saying about a page you're viewing in Firefox and even make your own blog post about it, all without leaving the page you're on."

Ben Metcalfe : Me Mena

by 2 others
"Nevertheless, I guess I won't be getting a discount on a MovableType licence in the future !"

Qui est dotBen ?

Weblogging civility : the backchannel incident.

Le Chic Shall Inherit Les Blogs

"A geek model". Une remarque en passant, Anina a aussi de très belles jambes :)

November 2005


A propos des blogues sur France Inter ce matin.

Ping shot

A propos de l'état de la blogosphère et des services de ping.

October 2005

Cliff Notes From the Blog World

by 1 other
"If you built graphs in your mind of what the talk [between weblogs] looks like, I think it looks like what I've done. I get the sense (Memeorandum) is just a natural representation of what is already going on".