public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from philippej with tag podcasting


How To Sketchcast

500 ou 700 $ pour une tablette pc risquent quand même d'en arrêter plus d'un pour ce qui reste encore le plus souvent un loisir :)


Weblogging, screencasting, podcasting and now sketchcasting !


Introducing textcasting

Textcast : "...a podcast in which the main thing being delivered to your iPod is text rather than audio."

Grape Radio

"...a radio show discussing wine related topics that is broadcast over the Internet using podcast technology."

French Maid Videocast

by 1 other
A propos d'une petite opération marketing QuickTime qui permet forcément de comprendre plus facilement comment créer un vidéo podcast avec QuickTime 7 Pro.


Podcasting cries out for content

"There is clearly a lot of work to be done before podcasting becomes mainstream...".

Quelle ambiance ?

Devine d'où je t'appelle ? Une idée amusante autour de l'audioblogging.

BBC News : Go Digital

"Each week we explore the world of digital technology in all its forms".


by 2 others
"Can the net harness a bunch of volunteers to help bring books in the public domain to life through podcasting ?"

Conseils Podcasting

by 1 other
"Début d'une série de conseils pour les podcasteuses et podcasteurs, en podcast bien sûr !"

Public Awareness of Internet Terms

"The average American internet user is not sure what podcasting is, what an RSS feed does, or what the term phishing means".

France Podcast

by 5 others
"Toute l'actualité du podcasting francophone."


by 9 others
"an RSS video aggregator and media player that can automatically download media content for you to watch and listen to". A quand les blog télévisés.

Le podcast c'est génial !

"ViaBloga devient une plateforme de podcasting". Enfin, le podcasting débarque sérieusement en France :-)


Video Feeds Follow Podcasting

"With the success of podcasting -- a recent technology that lets anyone subscribe to and play back audio feeds on an iPod -- the natural next step is technology that can do the same with video."

philippej's TAGS related to tag podcasting

atom +   humour +   livre +   rss +   screencasting +   technologie +   tv +   web +   weblogging +   weblogue +