public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tag dspace


RSP Home Page

The Repositories Support Project (RSP) is a major JISC initiative to support the development and growth of the UK repositories network.

Digital Initiatives :: Xmlui = Manakin

DSpace Manakin is a user interface developed by Texas A&M University which supports major improvements for the DSpace system. The primary feature added by Manakin is the ability for each community and collection within DSpace to establish a unique look-and-feel that might extend outside of DSpace into an existing web presence. We believe that this will increase the adoption of DSpace by these communities.

Repository maps

Map for Institutional Repositories (by platform, date of registration, ...)

A Recommender System for the DSpace Open Repository Platform

We present Quambo, a recommender system add-on for the DSpace open source repository platform. We explain how Quambo generates content recommendations based upon a user selected set of examples, our approach to presenting content recommendations to the user, and our experiences applying the system to a repository of technical reports. We consider how Quambo could be combined with the peer-federated DSpace add-on to extend the item-space from which recommendations can be generated; a larger item-space could improve the diversity of the set from which to make recommendations. We also consider how Quambo could be extended to add collaboration opportunities to DSpace.

Welcome to OR08 Publications - OR08 Publications

This is a repository used to manage publications for the Open Repositories 2008 conference.

SCD :: Blog :: LARA, rapports scientifiques et techniques

LARA — Libre accès aux rapports scientifiques et techniques— vous permet de consulter librement et gratuitement l'intégralité des rapports scientifiques et techniques qui vous intéressent. LARA ne présente pas de rapport à caractère confidentiel.

Digital Initiatives :: Manakin

DSpace Manakin is a user interface developed by Texas A&M University which supports major improvements for the DSpace system.

SWORD - DigiRepWiki

SWORD (Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit) will take forward the Deposit protocol developed by a small working group as part of the JISC Digital Repositories Programme by implementing it as a lightweight web-service in four major repository software platforms: EPrints, DSpace, Fedora and IntraLibrary. The existing protocol documentation will be finalised by project partners and a prototype ‘smart deposit’ tool will be developed to facilitate easier and more effective population of repositories. The project intends to take an iterative approach to developing and revising the protocol, web-services and client implementation through evaluative testing and feedback mechanisms. Community acceptance and take-up will be sought through dissemination activities. The project is led by UKOLN, University of Bath, with partners at the Aberystwyth University, the University of Southampton and Intrallect Ltd. The project aims to improve the efficiency and quality of repository deposit and to diversity and expedite the options for timely population of repositories with content whilst promoting a common deposit interface and supporting the Information Environment principles of interoperability.



SIMILE seeks to enhance inter-operability among digital assets, schemata/vocabularies/ontologies, metadata, and services. A key challenge is that the collections which must inter-operate are often distributed across individual, community, and institutional stores. We seek to be able to provide end-user services by drawing upon the assets, schemata/vocabularies/ontologies, and metadata held in such stores. SIMILE will leverage and extend DSpace, enhancing its support for arbitrary schemata and metadata, primarily though the application of RDF and semantic web techniques. The project also aims to implement a digital asset dissemination architecture based upon web standards. The dissemination architecture will provide a mechanism to add useful "views" to a particular digital artifact (i.e. asset, schema, or metadata instance), and bind those views to consuming services. - Home

by 2 others
An open-source solution for accessing, managing and preserving scholarly works.


Figoblog. La face cachée des facettes (4) : SIMILE

le projet SIMILE (qui veut dire Semantic Interoperability of Metadata and Information in unLike Environments, mais les autres aussi avaient une signification cachée comme ça, en fait). On le doit au W3C et au MIT . L'idée c'est à l'origine de rajouter une couche sémantique à DSpace (un outil de gestion de collections numériques).