public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from oqdbpo with tag photos



Opera Mini™ 4.1 beta

by 1 other
Opera Mini 4.1 beta lets you have the full Web everywhere. This newest release includes several new features, including automatic completion of web addresses, making it easier to get to the sites you need; tools for attaching files to web-based email; uploading photos to your blog or other site; downloading attachments from email for storage on your phone; and saving and viewing pages offline.



by 5 others
Plastic Kid is the moniker and freelance platform of graphic artist Jakob Printzlau, working in the fields of illustration, music videos, motion graphics, installation, logo treatments, art shows etc. Established in Copenhagen in 2002, Plastic Kid´s work has been featured in numerous books, magazines and exhibitions both domestically and thoughout the globe. Plastic Kid collaborates with anyone from local indie–rock bands and street wear brands, to some of the worlds largest corporations, creating visuals for any possible media.


by 2 others
フリー写真素材とは 写真素材集hpへようこそ。約5000枚、最大400メガピクセル(デジカメ100枚分)クラスの超高解像度 無料写真素材画像サイトです。この写真素材画像は商用利用、加工を含めてフリー(無料)です。

Top Rated - Free Stock Photos

by 1 other
All photos on this web site are public domain. You may use these images for any purpose, including commercial. But if some photo contains logos and products you need to be careful. Using someone else's trademark commercially can get you sued.

NinaKaye just logged in.

by 1 other
iminlikewithyou is a fun, free, and easy way to meet new people. Find someone you're in like with. Flirt with them – with your wittiest banter, photos, and video – impress them. Then show them how much you really dig them by bidding points in their game. They choose a winner. You two communicate. Keep the crush going with protected e-mail, SMS, and phone calls, and decide if you want to hang out. The rest is up to you!


Banksy Los Angeles - a photoset on Flickr

Photos from the noon opening of the Banksy show in Los Angeles

Flickr: Create Your Own Planets

This group is dedicated to the creation of "planets", so called polar panoramas that look like little planets. The “Polar Panorama Effect” is one of my favourite ways to process photos into unique pieces of art. It takes a panoramic (or at least a landscape-ish) photo and uses the Polar Coordinates filter (e.g. of Photoshop). I am preparing a tutorial on how to create these photos from "normal" photos. Coming soon...

Hotel Bed Jumping HQ

When we walk into a hotel guestroom for the first time there are elements that we form an opinion on immediately. Many will agree that the bed is the biggie. We always want to the room to have a sweet bed.

Texture King: Free Stock Textures

by 35 others
TextureKing is a project by REH3design. Throughout this site you will find a growing repository of high quality stock photos that are free for professional and personal use.

MediaStorm: A Multimedia Production Studio Founded by Brian Storm

by 3 others
MediaStorm is a multimedia production studio based in New York City and collaborating virtually with creative resources around the globe. MediaStorm's principal aim is to usher a new era of multimedia storytelling, via our publication and our industry-leading production and consulting services. The people we hire and the culture that we have created for innovation at MediaStorm are the keys to our success.