public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from oqdbpo with tag game



by 2 others
This is one app that's just way too out there for us to explain, so let's have BOY's friend the Fairy give it a try.


Projected light and thermal-imaging technology are used to create jaw-dropping interactive playing arenas in which the physical movements of players determine the outcome of the games. Develop your game-playing skills as you progress through a number of levels to help your area to victory or to simply have fun. Games repeat in ten minute cycles. Great Street Games is open to everyone and does not exclude those with limited mobility.


Call of Duty

デスマーチへようこそ | IT業界カードゲーム「Death March」のページ



OCZ Technology | Products | OCZ Peripherals | nia - Neural Impulse Actuator

OCZ’s Neural Impulse Actuator (nia) marks a new era in gaming. Rather than being a substitute for a mouse, the nia is a pioneering new peripheral to be used in conjunction with your mouse for a more immersive gaming experience. The nia is compatible with any PC game using keyboard input… past, present, or future. Predefined profiles included with the software allow the gamer to develop their own nia—memory to launch the desired behavior of their character and shoot with the “blink of an eye”, without lifting a finger.

Happy Rice ~ 漢字を勉強しながら寄付をしよう! ~

問題に1問正解するごとに、50粒のお米が「地球のハラペコを救え。」キャンペーンを通じて寄付されます。 Phun日本語解説サイト | トップ

Phunとは、スウェーデンにあるUmea(ウーメオ)大学VRlab(Virtual Reality Laboratory)の学生、Emil Ernerfeldt氏が開発した物理演算ソフトです。 重力をもったフィールドに、四角や円、手書きによる描画を直感的に操作することができ、自由な組み合わせによって様々な仕組みを作り出すことができる今までにない新しいゲームです。 Phunは、単なる面白さを追求するだけでなく、重力、バランス、力という物理学の基本を学び、自己表現力や発想力、分析力、問題解決能力等を高める知育ソフトとしても今後注目されるでしょう。

YouTube - boyinstatic's Channel

Boy In Static is Boston's Alexander Chen, a self-taught musician, singer/songwriter and graphic artist. Beginning his recording career with a three-song demo and a game of email tag with the Notwist's Alien Transistor label, Boy In Static's first album, Newborn, was released in 2005 after the two sides finally met at a Boston area concert. An amply proficient musician, Chen is able to play numerous instruments as well as arrange the live recordings he produces with a tight-knit group of musical collaborators. With a sound that ranges from the wall-of-sound aesthetic of Creation's heyday to the electronic pop of Morr Music, Boy In Static's music finds a comfortable balance between processed sounds and timeless songwriting.